
I hear you. I was the same way until someone actively reached out to me and I begun hanging out with this one very close-knit group and started seeing a different side to myself. Sometimes it just takes one person to remind you that you are worthy of being included in a group, or sometimes, strangely enough, I meet

I don't know if this helps at all, but they're likely just as vulnerable as you and you just don't know it. I've had feelings similar but not equivalent to this exactly. I was raised as an only child and my extended family was older so I never really thought of myself as a kid but one of the adults, and always felt

That's a problem, but how is any different from almost every other asshole who has recently run for a major political office?

I suppose the comparison to the GOP would be the Grumpy Old Men movies?

I get a feeling that "You'd better redneckognize!" would be a real hit in red states. She doesn't even have to superficially drop her g's.

This is so very true. People underestimate their own superficiality. Americans really really like the idea of having a hot president. Unless the president's a woman and then she is a bimbo whose big beautiful breasts are getting in the way of speaking intelligently.

The phrase heteronormative has to do with a lot more than just heterosexual people. Someone can be heterosexual and hate heteronormativity because for example, a woman likes to have sex with men, but she wants to take a more assertive role in her sex life, or maybe being in a monogamous marriage isn't her thing, or

I KNOW IT'S NOT EXCLUSIVE. I should have clarified. There is race and there is perception of race. Some people consider themselves more black than hispanic so they call themselves black even though they can be both. Some people say they're "more" white than black. I should have clarified and stated that I know

Oh, for Christ sake. I know it's an ethnicity and black people can be hispanic and white can be hispanic. But some people I know consider themselves Latino and half white or just Latino, because of Native American and European ancestry. I know a lot more on the subject of race and its complexities than you think, but

I think the only legitimate reason to hold back on saying someone's race is if you're just not sure and you don't want to be wrong. I know there are some people who identify as/are Hispanic but look black or are black and asian or look white but aren't. Or are biracial and don't fall under one race.

That's a fair point. Some of the details are coming back to me now. These women approached him to have a part in the political process and support his views and he clearly thought of them as nothing more than a pair of tits, which is offensive. I don't know if it is enough to not vote for him in the primary because it

God, yes. I'll never forget when a little girl fell down in the playground and I was worried so I told an adult. They wanted to know which girl fell down and I said "the black girl" because I lived in the sticks and there just weren't any other black girls on the playground. Needless to say it started a problem with

I don't even know if we're disagreeing or if you simply think we're disagreeing. I reacted with "Whoa" because you seemed really angry. My post wasn't angry. You mean because I used bolded font? No, things will never be 50/50 in every single way in the way that someone will be more busy than another one week and

I thought you said are you able to "take home work in the evenings" in response to something I said to another commenter. Actually I have crazy early morning hours that don't allow me to date now, but that has nothing to do with this. Unless my boss thought he'd give a younger childless woman a job like this for a

was saying*

What the poster I responded to what saying is that either single people do all the work in the evenings or all the married with kids or just people with kids do all the work in the evenings. My point is that we can BOTH occasionally do work from home in emergencies or situations that require immediate action. As a

But why should you be weighing your those two things against each other or think one must be at the expense of the other? Why must so and so's kids and your flabby ass, or shall we say, improved ass be at odds? Not to mention those kids could be a great future president or a serial killer OR a totally feckless person

But at the same time, that doesn't mean that (a) single people should start bouncing from work for painting classes —-Oh no, the horror! Leaving work STRAIGHT for painting classes! The world will end if I don't go from work straight home to eat and sleep for 8 hours.

It's resentment towards parents that I want time to go to the gym or a concert or a date after work? Nope. I just want my own free time and to set boundaries with my employer. I am fortunate that I work at a place where leaving at 5 on the dot is not an issue, but I feel for people who can leave at 5 but are shunned

You're assuming they're younger but more and more women are waiting until later or never having children. Some women may never get to "wait their turn" for that extra leniency. And not all single women meet partners in college. Some of us are going to meet them for drinks after work, and when you don't get out of work