
haha why do you look at you?? Because men are supposed to be cavemen and women are the civilizers? I try not to swear in front of kids but I won't look out for them either if I'm just going about my business. After all, there are far worse people out in the world doing and saying things much more nefarious and hurtful

Yes, kids need to screw up and learn from their screw-ups, to a reasonable degree anyways. Recently, I heard someone claim he had never done anything wrong in his life. Not only is he almost certainly a liar, but if it's true, he's not a fully developed human. You just can't prevent this stuff.

Side note about using the word fat. I was that kid and I may have been the same age, 3, when I called my aunt "fat." She cried and left the house in a terrible state, and it was awful for her and I deeply regret it BUT guess what? I learned how terrible a word it was at an early age and never called someone fat again.

Yes, exactly. My mom swore/swears like nobody else but I never swear unless I'm around close friends, and even then it surprises them. But I did get in trouble for using those words as a kid so I guess I learned my lesson: Don't say "You stole my easer, you bastard!" The teacher thought I was calling him a literal

Paris—you are totally wearing leftover eye makeup. At least that's what I think is going on, it's kind of dark. But what a relief that she sounds like a normal, even slightly funny, kid after all of the shit she's been through.

That is very creepy. What is wrong with someone that they think this is normal social behavior...

At least it's not #2 and if anyone should tolerate that kind of thing it's your sister. I had a friend who did this a lot and I could hear her tinkle which I thought was weird and slightly boundary crossing but she was my "bestie" so I thought, "Whatever, no biggie."

ahahaha I cannot understand that for the life of me. I hear women talking on the phone whilst peeing. I had my own boss try to talk to me while I was peeing from outside the stall. Maybe I was supposed to wait to go in there, but they, emergencies are emergencies! This is not a parlour room! I am actually not 76

Yes, when you're talking about basic biology, such as breasts on women vs. men who are overweight and have man boobs then of course women aren't usually turned on by that. But I think oversimplifying the backlash to that comment. The point of the backlash isn't saying men aren't attractive in different ways, it's the

She may be a horrible person but even I don't think she deserves to be described like that.

Yes, exactly, and thanks for the compliment! Usually you can find ways to detect things like that early on without giving away the motivation behind the question. I know some people on here may think that's sneaky but we all have certain tests for people we're dating. I found out someone I dated was self-centered and

On the other hand, do you want to be with someone who requires some arbitrary number of dates to take you seriously, or has a madonna/whore complex? If you're going to wait do it because you're picky about him not because you think he'll be picky and throw you aside for not waiting. I'm waiting until 3 or more dates

That really sucks. I've been unemployed for the same amount of time and doing the same amount of work and only recently received a job offer, which I went through crazy hoops for, or at least they seemed a tad much. On the bright side, maybe you'll get the job your friends didn't because you were waiting a long time,

Yes, exactly. It seems like a lot of men, or maybe I should say people, want it both ways. They don't want to communicate in an honest way but they want you to know what they're thinking intuitively. I could be overthinking this but women are expected to be submissive and follow the lead in hetero relationships.

I don't know the context other than the fact you've been dating him. Neither of you established what the other person wanted so he had just as much of a reason to expect you to be a "psycho" at realizing what it was as you had to expect he was just looking for a good time. I don't really think you should feel like you

Christopher Walken just makes this sketch.

Thanks. That's sound advice. I think I make connections with higher-ups easily. The money isn't significantly different. I tend to think the important thing is to get one's foot in the door at these well known magazines, because future employers are snobs unfortunately and bigger names get their attention and make

Oh boy.

I had no idea of the connection! Thanks! She looks sort of like Gillian Anderson. Irrelevant but whatever.

haha yeah it really disoriented me because I was not expecting that sex dream. I rarely have sex dreams unfortunately! It went down like this: Talking with Nick Miller about random stuff, I go to leave my own room awkwardly and for no reason and he asks if I'm going anywhere, I say "No, I'm not." and it's like I'm