
Unfortunately, just doing your job well isn't really enough to get you a promotion. You can bust your ass but with this economy and the "new normal" (I know, I hate that phrase) they will expect that from you. And experience is well, experience. It seems to trump all. I think there is something to say for already

So let's say I have two job offers. One as a writer at a lesser known publication but with more pay and benefits, but less exciting projects to work on or one as a writer/assistant at a really well known publication with exciting projects but less pay. The second said I would likely be promoted after a few months with

I have two dreams that stuck with me but they certainly aren't the best or most interesting:

You do not deserve to be treated this way, no matter what. Nobody deserves to be treated this way on a date. I haven't been through your trauma but I'm pretty sure I would have closed up and experienced a cold sweat after something like that. Good god.

I can't really understand it besides some sort of self hatred. Unfortunately, plenty of people who are in denial or think they can change something about their sexuality hang around people who are nothing like them, maybe as a way to try and assimilate to a way of being that is approved by the wider culture. Closeted

>>You just can't say that everything should be absolutely equal for everyone.

Maybe she shouldn't have to check in, but weighing a one night stand vs a long term friendship, the choice should seem obvious. A long term friend vs a potential boyfriend/love of your life/ potential husband however...I'd fear more from friends looking for committed relationships if I were you. It seems they'd be

Exactly. Who ever said these women wanted to meet their mothers?

Is anybody else annoyed that this is called sexual permissiveness? Why not use the term promiscuous? It's clear and doesn't revolve around the idea that having lots of sex means being a spineless doormat that doesn't know how to say "No." It assumes men are always pursuing women, and that sex is always the kind where

Of course an all female leadership would be oppressive. Any leadership that has existed for a long time under one homogenous group that operates under the idea that their group is superior is oppressive and wrong, not to mention inefficient. I don't think anyone here is arguing our leadership should be all female.

he is enough of a douche*

Just because a woman is promiscuous, it still doesn't mean she'll sleep with anybody who has a penis. There's such a thing as taste, and not all the men you like will be men she likes. And it doesn't mean she won't have compassion for you and how you feel about said guy, even if she is enough of a douche to sleep with

So weird. I was watching "the Accused" last night about a woman who was gang-raped and one of the guys blamed her and called it a "sex show" and said she was asking for it. When I think of sex shows I usually think of...I don't know, someone having consensual sex in front of people at a party or something. Not a woman

She was calling out the term "shemale" not a specific kind of porn. Based on your use of the word, I'd bet she knows a lot more about challenging heteronormativity than you do.

I guess I zeroed on the part about "Well, people just compliment each other on skin tones regardless of race" and it may not be the intention but I think it's important to consider how it's interpreted. I could tell a friend who feels judged about her weight that she has a beautiful face and really mean that her face

You were talking about women you dated. And "attractive" is not usually a word people associate with 7 year-old girls sooo.

It's not a crazy place to go with it. To be attractIVE, you have to attract somebody, and when we talk about attraction, we're usually talking about sexual attraction. You talked about your dating history not depicting biracial people in art and you didn't appear to be talking about men as well, so I interpreted it as

This wasn't really about biracial women's fuckability but okay, whatevs. It's a comment page so you could say "Obama is responsible for AIDS!" and you'd be within your rights. I just find it curious that's where you went with it.

My grandmother dealt with that question("What is IT?") while she was shopping in the early 80s and responded, "IT is a Jason." Which made them look like assholes, I'm sure.

I don't get it either. A lot of people feel the need to put someone in a category so they can understand how they should feel about them, because ambiguity makes them uncomfortable. I've been asked "what I am" and I'm the whitest girl in the world, but apparently I sometimes look Asian or Hispanic, and it's really