
I smell something... And it's not roses.

Some ach ideas:

Dani looks good.

She has a respectable physique.

Not ugly.

I remember leaving the movie theater and was really disappointed at how un-action jackson it was compared to the first one.

And here's Gears 3, which at peak hours, only has 14 000 gamers in its most popular game mode...

So the FBI is trying to say that he's a lying asshole, right?

The box art like Vasquez, rocks.

I'm 12 and I'm asking the same question.

Her big tetas shtick is too cheap, personally.

Wouldn't kick her out of my bed. She likes sex a lot too. Always a plus, not for her ex though.

Like this?


Now playing

I thought communist countries (and former Eastern Bloc ones) used Hind gunships.

Now playing

That is why I take the stairs whenever possible, for exercise, you don't need the elevator for a few floors and most importantly, avoid being that guy <-

I have become a big fan of mineral water. I like Perrier among the many brands on the market because it's fizzier than most. The lemon/lime flavor makes a much healthier choice to 7up.

I saw the Champs League final on the same Fox chan' last May. It was very respectable. I still remember Messi's goal.

Good matchups this weekend: