
Don't forget that the only and best way to piss him off is to use the Bryan Adams trick.

I hope Devil will be good. IT BETTER BE.

I wish I was good enough to only play random select and the three style-changing characters.

It's one of the phone's FEATURE, it's not a bug.

Is that Wayne Rooney?

Just to be "in-the-know", to get the story. Kinda like when I watched people play the Starcraft 2 campaign.

Reminds me that I gotta finish watching the playthrough at Game Anyone, since I'll never own a PS3.

What are the Best Buy equivalents in South Asia?

Are all super-luxury cars hand-assembled?

He has a "What am i doing here?" look.

Is said witcher the hero or main bad villain?

You gotta check out Dr. Andrew Saul's works at and his books. The vitamin C megadose therapy is mentioned over and over again. I personally take that 10 grams in chewable orange-flavored tablets (7 of them after each meal).

I think the only thing "good" in NK would the cleanliness of the streets. Probably low air pollution too.

It can be treated with 10 grams of vitamin C in three doses every day. Or up to bowel tolerance.

The Elite membership is basically a yearly season pass, yes?

RE4 was the best of them all!

Doom 4. Please.

Everyone knows Apple invented everything, including the very air that we breathe.