Which side of the Pentagon was hit by the airplane again?
Which side of the Pentagon was hit by the airplane again?
I present you half-Japanese, half-Quebecer, all hardcore performer...
Is it victory for online piracy or victory for uncensored Internet content?
Cue season pass...
Will SOPA only affect US-based websites?
No one escapes the unstoppable ravages of time. GL coulda slowed them down with exercise but I doubt he works out on a regular basis.
Man, if WP7 stays at less than 5% by the end of the year with such nice-looking and performing cell phones, there's a big problem at Microsoft.
I wish I had throwaway money for a Kinect and both DC games.
The Darkness 1's story is probably one of the most incredible scripts ever put in a video game, along with the first Bioshock.
A pile of shit called by any other name is still a pile of shit.
4 years ago, I bought ME on release date and played a little bit of it. I loaned it to my friend and it stayed there for 18 months. After getting it back, I played it thinking the rest must be boring since I didn't go that far into it.
Adds a new dimension to the term "heat vision".
I wish Gears 3 was higher.
Ivy must be a total nuclear bomb in the (virtual) bedroom.
Good thing that Epic Games allow private boosting in Gears 3.
I beat Chai on my second playthrough with sweep and side kick.
What a BS decision.
I had the game way back with my 2600 (first console ever).