
I read that successful relationships depend on both people having the same views on money, religion and politics. I'm sure there's a fourth element but I don't remember which one is it.

You enrich yourself by paying your debts.

11. Stay single forever, never have children, travel and enjoy life!

How are his LOL skills? I didn't watch the video.

Money is as necessary as the vital combo of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, argon, and carbon dioxide. Except for Chuck Noland the castaway.

Good call with the yearbook.

And on cats:

OHHH! I must be confused with Canadian prom time. Well personally, high school finished around June 20th.

Personally? HOT!

B-b-but the whole Sailor Moon's gotta be Eastern Asian shitstorm it's gonna raise?

Yeah, yeah... Go play... Go on...

That one reminded me of Last of Us DLC.

This is why it's called the beautiful game.

Superman throws like a girl. That rock should've punched through the board!

Psh, 720p.

Hahahahaha! Are you hairy all over?

Yay for appleheads!