
This hanar finds it respectable.

Please no Miami and San Andreas!!!! WE'VE BEEN THERE ALREADY! Hong Kong or any major East Asian city would be cool.

Respectable physique.

I looked around and it is confirmed to be Heidi Klum.

Looks real to me.

The palest skin... Must be a daywalker.

How come IBM's still a very powerful computer company despite being out of the commercial business?

Lauryn Hill's comeback????

It will be the beginning of the end when Jobs is no more the CEO. Then watch Apple slowly crumble into oblivion. IT'LL BE FUN TO WATCH.

You should've said:

I don't play the game but the cinematics I've seen in it are incredible.

Daily human iSacrifices in the center-courtyard for lord Jobs.

At least TB didn't turn you into an iDouche!

With a bachelor, you can teach English almost anywhere on the planet, make respectable coin and see some countries.


Iron Man massacre at ZTE Enterprise