Gears of War 3 has iron sights on the hammerburst. Sometimes my hammerburst trigger -mashing downs a shotgun whore, surprisingly. I walways thought that shotgun > hammerburst.
Gears of War 3 has iron sights on the hammerburst. Sometimes my hammerburst trigger -mashing downs a shotgun whore, surprisingly. I walways thought that shotgun > hammerburst.
Just missing the tv tuner, even if North America switched to digital.
Earliest instances of gayness in video games...
Roland and Chris at their creative peak.
Aaaaaaaaaand cue:
Can surf with the desktop Internet on the Iconia? Coz when I tried it at the store, I got the mobile Internet that I hate. Everything so limited, yuck!
I was about to scream if it was another "Taken with an Iphone ouuuuh aaaaaaah"-type Giz posts.
This is SLIGHTLY more entertaining than Tron Guy.
Am I glad to be a guy.
It'll be literally "Game over man, game over!" when you'll die playing it.
Still the man responsible for turning too many customers into really can't STFU, holier-than-thou, douchebag customers.
Best cashmere is at Brooks.
I was wondering who sang that song, I thought it was a girl band called the West End Girls. I can now sleep at ease! Thanks!
Not unless you build this one. Free local HD channels with it! Using it for almost three years now!