They’re lashing out in pain and fear, for the bright light of the truth is nearly blinding.
They’re lashing out in pain and fear, for the bright light of the truth is nearly blinding.
I’m brand new to Deadspin and the other comments make me feel pressured into calling Chris a dirtbag. Am I missing something? I won’t call him a dirtbag, but I WILL say that his method is pure genius.
exactly why I’m here.
Another relevant Portland example:
I’ve been playing the devil’s advocate on this one, so I’ll just keep questioning the several interpretations of fair use I’ve read so far... again, it all depends on how judges and jury would take this in, but offering a different standpoint:
I moved very near to Aloha last year. The people here are very kind unless you mispronounce Aloha. Then you get an eyebrow raise and a correction.
I grew up in Lima, NY. Not like Peru, but like the bean.
See also: Cairo, Illinois. Lima, Ohio. Charlotte or Lake Orion, Michigan. And my personal favorite, Bellfontaine, Ohio.
It did.
“It is likely that for the rest of my life I will not go a single day without thinking about Donald Trump at least…
When you read the linked study, it says things like: 8/9 studies reviewed showed positive associations between alcohol intake and premenopausal breast cancer — sounds scary, but it goes on to say that in only two studies was that association statistically significant and in two more it was borderline significant…
Even if that is true, it is what is known as a “surrogate endpoint.” If you want to prove that a diet reduces cancer risk, you have to study cancer incidence. Not blood tests with very tenuous links to cancer risks.
Also, would 400mg affect a 100 lb person and a 300 lb person differently?
“Myers’ team found evidence of links to depression and dysphoria (general dissatisfaction with life)“
if anyone was wondering why this post is on lifehacker, its because this plan, like most of trump’s proposals. will serve to hack our lives into pieces.
You’ve basically summed up Keynesian economics. If you give those people who will spend money, they will increase demand which grows the economy.
Bota is my go-to wine of choice. I love the stuff.
The idea is between exits you move lanes appropriately without causing an accident - if you’re passing halfway around the roundabout, head towards the inner lane(s). Ideally the road or a sign on approach will indicate the ideal lane to take.
Rand “Profiles in Courage” Paul. You’d think the guy most likely to be a secret Libertarian would be wholly against collecting/selling personal information such as this.