
Yes, who will speak for the buggy-whip manufacturers?

Yeah, but realistically the BMW is a lot better looking and unusual car. I’d have the BMW.

For what it’s worth, this is copied almost verbatim from PowerLineBlog:

Correct. Science is your friend.

“On Patty Mills’s decision to resign with the Spurs because of the team’s culture”

Perhaps these multimillionaire athletes would be more comfortable playing games in a different country where skin color is less of a problem between the people and the police.

So it seems out of place for the health editor to talk about politics? Health topics get a ton of shit from Lifehacker readers for being “political”.

(At risk of feeding a troll, but understanding that many people agree with you).

Changing SSNs should absolutely be possible, and seems like it doesn’t need to be that difficult with the cooperation of the CRAs (because obviously your existing legitimate debts need to all follow you to your new number), yet the government will only allow it in incredibly rare circumstances. I mean, obviously they

But that’s the thing: Chinese BBQ is rarely served hot. It’s almost always served at room temperature. That can be a bit jarring to first-timers.

I’m actually kind of surprised he defined this as looting. Those are all white poeple. White people don’t loot. They use their wiley nature to find tools with which to survive. Only black people loot stuff.

IKR? Avocado is so wrong. Somebody at my husband’s work one day went to a poke joint to get them all lunch. My lovely, raised in Mississippi, haole boy husband looked at it and had to try really hard not to go, “Da fuq is this avocado stuff?” He thought it was just a Texas thing.

THANK YOU for this. I too have known the heartache of a bathroom without hand towels.