
I love this list!

Advice I would have given myself, 15 years ago: What you should do with that morning coffee money, is to pay down your mortgage faster (assuming your mortgage does not include penalties for doing so).

This might be TMI, but I know for a fact that drinking coffee doesn’t dehydrate, but that it acts as a diuretic, as the color of my pee is practically clear.

I like your position!

Having read some of Bob Sutton’s books, I’m of the opinion that unless you’ve connected the dots with past hirings, you shouldn’t place trust in your own prowess of discerning patterns of fit / character / abilities. But even if you are capable of doing exactly that, you might be unintentionally creating a monoculture.

Maybe those CFOs should all be fired. If you’re judging people in under 10 minutes, you might be overestimating your personal ability to judge others by superficial means.

Hopefully this will lead to an explosion of ChromeOS devices with touch screens.

I friggin love Brussels Sprouts and that recipe looks awesome! New Seasons has this salad with thin-sliced Brussels Sprouts that I love...heck every salad at NS is great.

Even when I go to the museum / gallery with someone else, I end up moving at a different pace so that I have my own time to reflect on each artwork / artifact. Going on solo hikes and outdoor photography exploration is much more enjoyable, too, as I see more details alone than with others.

On second reading, I realize that the intention wasn’t to get fruit from the same plant all year, but to have access to fruits all year by using different species with staggered fruiting seasons.

Has anyone used IKEA’s LADDA rechargeable batteries? They have two tiers of capacities, where the AA comes in 1000 mAh or 2450 mAh, and the AAA comes in 500 mAh and 900 mAh.

Has anyone used IKEA’s LADDA rechargeable batteries? They have two tiers of capacities, where the AA comes in 1000

That’s sort of an improbable list of plants to fruit year-round, as many of them would require both a hot house to limit winter dormancy and bees to pollinate. Except, bees don’t go out collecting pollen in cold climates in the middle of winter.

Der Fuhrer’s Drumpf’s face.

There was a time when, seeing online that my package was ‘out for delivery’, I would guess which truck it was and go up to them to intercept it before it could be left in the lobby of my building. This would have been handy back then. Nowadays I don’t care so much.

I do buy tracks and sometimes some albums, but most of the time I just stream for free (with ads) or listen to my already decent library of ripped CDs.

Geez, this is something they should roll out NOW, not two months from now.

On a slightly different topic: Chickpea aka Garbanzo flour is incredible. I use it as a thickener instead of white flour. I initially bought it because it’s an alternative base ingredient for doggie snacks, but I figured I should experiment with it.

Following that CR article about Parmesan cheese, I went back to check my Lucerne (Safeway) Parmesan, and sure enough, it had cellulose in it. I stopped buying all Lucerne cheeses from Safeway.

Once again, the slow but steady tortoise wins the race.