You know, just about anything with a silicone or rubberized face would probably perform as well as pumice stone. Everyone has one of those silicone oven mitts, right?
You know, just about anything with a silicone or rubberized face would probably perform as well as pumice stone. Everyone has one of those silicone oven mitts, right?
A very long time ago, I had a call back on a resume I had sent out. The firm I wanted to work for, was a nationally-prestigious design firm, well-published and all. The receptionist-administrator asked me if I could come in for an interview on a specific date and time, and I told her that I was certain that I could,…
I’m lazy, so I always chase the low-hanging fruit, first. Doesn’t everyone else do that?
A question:
Some thoughts:
On #4, years ago I ran into a motherboard with broken capacitors. A visual inspection was all it took to determine that there was no way to replace it, except to pour more money than what the computer itself was worth.
It’s a lot more involved than simply adding layers onto a hollow core door. She had to remove and relocate the door stop edges to fit the wider door. This isn’t an easy step, and if you splinter your trim, you have to spend money to replace and refinish them.
My friend freezes excess rice.
I think I may have made an error in encrypting my Nexus 5.
As long as there have been tests, there have been complaints about tests and people filled with test anxiety.
*Never* drinking water from a hot water tank, has many exceptions. My water comes from municipal concrete pipes, pulled up through CPVC and DI piping, with the last 30 feet in copper that was sweated with “no” lead solder. We’re talking post 1986 amendments to the SDWA.
Before you speculate and criticize, I suggest you attempt to do a taste test first. I noticed the difference 20 years ago, and started using hot water, instead.
Where I live, there is very little mineral content in the water.
For about the last 20 years, I’ve used hot water — not boiled water — for ice cubes. The reason is because hot water does not have the strong chlorine that regular tap water has. It does not make the cubes perfectly clear, but it does get you about 3/4 of the way there.
Ah. This reminds me of Lev’s YouTube video:
You know what really annoys me? The usage of online third-party W-2 services. I won’t point fingers at the offending companies, but their fine print is absolutely offensive: Your information is private, except that they have the right to sell your data, and you can’t get your information of their system even when you…
We used to do this, but with regular sugar not powdered. It was the poor person's Malasadas (not nearly as good as the authentic thing). Last year I had a hankering for some, and blogged about it —
Three points:
Where's the vapor barrier?
Wow, I know that bracket, but not by the fake name, Amarine / alfamarine. It’s originally a Sugatsune — — folding bracket. They matched the design and the weight capacity.