
How do you avoid paying more b/c of the higher weight of these bags over the extremely lightweight produce bags? For example, if you’re buying a pound of $3/lb peaches, those flip and tumble bags would cost you $0.075.

How do you avoid paying more b/c of the higher weight of these bags over the extremely lightweight produce bags? For

What happened: People bought into the false narrative that the two 2016 presidential candidates were the same, that they would be forced to choose between the lesser of two evils if they had to pick from the pair.

I enjoy the notoriety I’ve earned from deliberately chasing after epic battles where people have to team up to GRB a gym to defend it. They play it cool and pretend to enjoy it, but they are pissed when they run out of GRBs and I end up taking the gym away from them, only to slot in a 10CP troll mon. They can’t help

This is more for amusement. I used to own this 661 all-white helmet and it would freak the hell out of a lot of ppl who thought I was a police officer on my bicycle, not because police wear something similar on their bikes, but because the motorcycle officers have a similar-looking helmet.

This is more for amusement. I used to own this 661 all-white helmet and it would freak the hell out of a lot of ppl

I get the itchies and bumps from lots of stuff, is why I keep a bottle of otc corticosteroid ointment, aka Cortisone. And it seems that the aluminum in antiperspirants cause a rash of itching bumps to mysteriously appear w/in the day.

Thanks. DL’d it, scanned, found 8 others using same channel. Gah! Immediately logged into router and switched from auto-select to picking one that no one else was on. :D

Buy a Ford F-100 MY 1953-1956 (next gen is good, too), convert it to 100% plug-in electric and independent 4-wheel suspension, finish with metallic red paint job with accents using Stuart Semple’s Black 2.0 paint (least-reflective black paint available).

Yeah, but I cut back on the sugar.

I add dehydrated cherries and instead of water, I use fresh orange juice with zest. It’s a seemingly odd combination, but the cherries bring depth to the flavor and the orange juice substitution makes the sauce bright. Odd adjectives, I know, but that’s how it feels -- this after a decade of playing around each year

Maybe you should reconsider the quality of your source. Orbitz’s map misidentified the location of SEA (pinned to Portland) and SFO (shown somewhere around San Simeon).

You doing a classical mixtape, too? I’ve got some suggestions of pieces that might not be terribly well-known to all. As these might evoke terror or disturbing thoughts, I am not responsible for your actions if you bother to listen to these tracks in the pitch black of night.

Arbitrarily, they tested up to 45; arbitrarily, they’ve deemed it safe to people up to age 45. I mean, geez. Life ends after 45?

Use recycled paint, whenever possible. They’re vastly cheaper (as in 1/2 - 1/3rd the price), the color is actually superior in uniformity*, and the quality is excellent. At the very least, pick a color, then plan your other (secondary/trim) colors around it with new paint.

In the aisle section of certain planes, the seating goes from 4-wide to 3-wide. It gives you a significant amount of extra sideway legroom. Also on some planes, the very rear seats do recline. With the galley at the rear, it’s really easy to get up and walk 10 feet unobstructed, to get multiple refills. It’s my

Well, yah, like I said, some people are all alone and cannot manage on their own to evacuate. In comes a boat or helicopter with people to help them evacuate.

Preseason picks, one Oregonian writer chose UCLA to finish 1st in the south, still enamored with Chip Kelly, assuming that his mere presence would overcome having to introduce a new offensive system with a brand-new QB. Go figure.

Not everyone can evacuate. Imagine the people who live alone, have pets, do not drive, and are too old or too poor to temporarily relocate. Not all shelters accept people with pets, not everyone has a relative or friend who is available and willing to help.

Sorry, but the new system is so worthless that I stopped reviewing the app’s data. I’m considering uninstalling it, in fact. Nothing is more annoying than when someone subverts your metrics for theirs.

All Classical is probably one of the most popular stations anywhere and it’s well balanced between most of the genres. Also, they’re one of the few who have live, in-station performances (at 3pm (pacific) on most Thursdays.)

Holy crap. Up to now, no one believed me when I told them I could fall asleep from drinking strong coffee. Glad to see there’s research to back up my experience.