OMG, I just visualized a new consumer product: Crushed potato chips in a bottle — pour it down the hatchet instead of spilling crumbs on the sofa.
OMG, I just visualized a new consumer product: Crushed potato chips in a bottle — pour it down the hatchet instead of spilling crumbs on the sofa.
Great, extensive write-up!
Step 1: Use Ghostscript.
That map is misleading. In Washington County, Oregon, the unincorporated areas (that are not inside of a city) have much lower property tax in half. You wouldn't know this unless you spent enough time checking properties on the tax rolls.
I had to sue a former landlord, who'd done a quid pro quo on their property without telling anyone, and then tried to claim that they didn't owe me my deposit as a result.
Of course the front-end developer — the person who has the most fun being the creative contributor to the project — gets paid the least...
Can I make a suggestion? Read/listen to Helaine Olen's Pound Foolish. As an audiobook, it's about 10 hours, and it could be free to download (MP3s) if your library participates in Overdrive.
Yeah, I'll never quite understand the SE estimated tax process. Income is never steady. So, I came up with the process of roughly estimating how much money I expect to earn, then pay that quarterly amount for the first three quarters. If I overestimated income, then I simply not pay Q4; if I underestimated, then I pay…
Taxes aren't ridiculous as a self-employed. The reason why taxes seem high, is because the portion of your payroll taxes — FICA, etc. — is normally split 50-50 between you and your employer, completely opaque to you. It's the shock everyone gets when they move to becoming a self-employed person — even I went through…
Some people under-appreciate the value of their brains, I suppose. Lemme know when we can have brain transplants / memory transfers.
Only the top can be removed, but it still is very bulky as the rest of it is welded steel. It is solid.
I saw that video before, too, and that's when I started stocking sour cream. :D
Our world is wrought with hyperbole, which makes the usage of "literally" compatible and acceptable, in my view.
Oh, I know why this was listed under Android 4.4.2, and not the parent Android OS category. That is weird.
For some reason, it does not include the Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2.
I just cleared a bunch of stuff on CL, last month. The method I used was:
Just wanted to point out that the Portland Oregon IKEA's got mint froyo this month.