
It’s like driving in a car without rain sensor, while being used to a car with a rain sensor. At a certain moment, you notice you can’t see out of the window anymore, because of all the rain. The wipers are on, but don’t speed up automatically.
Maybe that’s what happened here, the driver expected the car to brake

Cool camper!

The advert is in Dutch, so it’s for the Netherlands or Belgium.

Didn’t they have a Volkswagen Gol in the collection? You know, the VW Golf with aircooled engine in the front.

exact translation: How is it possible?

Excellent project! This will be great when done.

This bike is locked:

I wonder if the “fully autonomous car” will be the flying car of the future...

I am surprised nobody is concerned about the piece of glass sticking out of the dashboard.

Maybe having a big piece of glass sticking out of the dashboard is seen as dangerous by safety inspectors...

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I think the supermoto way of washing a bike is far superior:

All replies here are wrong, you need VW beach buggy toughness with movie-star styling. You need one of these fiberglass replicas:

May I suggest “FerrariLaFerrariFace” as the name for the cruise ship?

I think an infotainment system is totally unnecessary. A docking station for your phone should be more then enough to get the same functionality (and evne better) as an onboard infotainment system.

Does only the an Alfa engine count? I’ve transplanted a Alfa Romeo 1.4 boxer engine from a 33 into my 1973 VW super beetle (1303). The engine has been pretty reliable. The only issue I’ve had was a leaking head gasket while being on a weekend holiday in Germany, 300 km from my home. I’ve babied the car home, driving

“Differences between a magneto and a generator”
Isn’t that comparing apples to oranges? One is a ignition device, and the other provides power to the onboard electrical circuit.

That’s literally a spare tire..

I always considered the shooting brake to be a 2 or 2+2 seater. If it’s a full 4 seater, it’s a stationwagon. It’s like a stationwagon version of a coupe.

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I prefer the supermoto way of washing motorcycles/cars:

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Talking about Monty Python, this seems relevant too: