I spent a long time researching cold setting an old steel frame, then realized I could just squeeze the newer wheel in there. Those old steelies are fairly flexible.
I spent a long time researching cold setting an old steel frame, then realized I could just squeeze the newer wheel in there. Those old steelies are fairly flexible.
OK, I mean...I’m not sure why them winning the series is a criticism, but that team won 55 games without him. I’m not saying MJ wasn’t great or anything, but it’s pretty weird to refer to a team that could win 55 games without him as being dragged along.
Any tips or suggestions on groceries? Right now I’m leaving everything that doesn’t need to be in the refrigerator in the car for a few days, and wiping down everything else with sanitizer. Produce in a separate fridge for 72 hours. Overkill?
I stir in the glass usually, but if you’re serving it up this seems fine? I wouldn’t want to shake it so much it foamed or got light, but a little shake seems like it would mix less water into it than you’ll get serving it on the rocks.
You mean that collection of scrubs that went to the conference finals without MJ?>
I mean, clearly. I think of those things not as what made him the best of his era, but what had to be the case to keep winning championships. Keeping that motivation and total focus after you’ve already got 3, or 4, or 5 is what separates him.
Fuck Jim Spanfeller and fuck click farm bullshitty slideshows. I’m not old enough to remember Forbes not being that, but turning websites into this isn’t innovative or clever. It’s just an utterly cynical way to pump before you dump.
I don’t know why people think they’re clever by trying to move the middle in that way. The “middle point” of asymmetrically outlandish positions is not a fair middle point and only morons think it automatically is. If I offer a widget at $100, and sell plenty at $90, then why the hell would I come off $100 because you…
Yeah, I lived inside the beltway at the time, and maybe we weren’t SO quick to it. But at first we were joking “holy shit there are white square trucks every time we go out they’re everywhere.” It took a FEW days to realize that it’s just there’s always one in the area, so naturally witnesses always remembered seeing…
About a third of new car “sales” are leases (at least according to my quick search), and new car sales have been around 17 million a year. So I think you can start at a baseline of 5-6 million folks who will have to get a car of some sort this year. I know we all have that friend’s cousin who is trading in their two…
We’re looking at it all wrong. It’s much easier to figure out skateboards when you’re a kid. Put kids in charge.
The article says “Tesla” so let’s everybody keep it to who is and who is not being a hater/stan.
I didn’t realize BMW dropped the regular 340, which is what I was thinking of. So the Audi is as quick or quicker than the MB, despite the HP number. Proving that the HP number by itself just isn’t that important.
1) the Audi is quicker than that. 2) The AMGs are more appropriately compared to the RS line, not the S line.
Yeah, those numbers are strangely close together, but in totality it’s far more advanced today. And the S4 in 2003 was an outlier in the market, the equivalent 3 series wasn’t nearly as powerful. The S4 today is still more powerful than its approximate equivalents, but not by nearly the same degree.
Well, it’s almost a second and a half quicker to 60, and it gets significantly better gas mileage. So I definitely would say it has made some real improvement in the last 17 years.
Obama played on an airforce base six miles away too.
I mean, as a 4runner owner....if it has a removable top and beats 18mpg....I might sell my 4runner.
I just looked at my local-ish dealer’s site. Five 2019 Ghiblis under $60k. All obviously service cars, 4-5k miles, but still. No listed discount on 2020s, strange.
The watch analogy is the exact one I keep coming back to myself. As everything becomes digital and screen driven, I imagine a luxury market will grow with everything analog. I picture something similar to what Singer is doing.