
I’m not a regular commuter, but take a train into a large city once or twice a week. You’re thinking about this as if they’re equal options when in many cities, the number of which is going up all the time, it’s impossible to know what traffic will do to that drive. A train scheduled to arrive at 9 is going to be

Typically without that requirement there’s absolutely no expertise required to find a suitable car.

My 2015 3 series has this.  I think many cars do now.  

The day I realized that if I wasn’t popular then, high school probably wasn’t going to be like Saved by the Bell fucking hurt man.  It fucking hurt.

Every time I try to follow that rule closely I’m left with a ridiculous looking phrase that has something like “nineteen men and 21 women.”

I have on occasion emailed the authors of studies asking for a copy when I needed to see it.  Academics especially are typically happy to send one over.

I have the same reaction to this as every fucking silicon valley profile with some dudebro who stumbled upon a quirky app and talks about how important it is to perform all these bizarre rituals to reduce the crushing mental stress of running it.

Right.  His point isn’t really that different from “everyone dies.”

There are a few old restaurants that were fancy in the 60s that seat everyone like that at tables, makes you feel like you’re eating dinner before junior prom or something.

Overhand throwing like that requires a very specific kind of flexibility in the shoulder. Basically, if you didn’t grow up throwing a baseball, you’re extremely unlikely to reach adulthood able to rotate your shoulder externally like that.

Agreed.  Riding for his life just to catch back up to Bernal and Thomas, before they again gap him severely on the last climb.  He’s ridden a brilliant tour and made a lot of fans but this was the end.  It’s closer now than it would have been had they continued.

Competitive disadvantage to who?

Baseball was really popular when there was nothing on TV all summer long, listening to live sports on tv was a thing, and it was much more affordable to go to a game.

Offer doesn’t have to mean full scholarship offer.

Pretty weird to hear a silly sounding boast from him and realize it’s basically true.

I grew up in a farmtown in New England having no idea that that wasn’t a normal way to keep a dog.  We had two, they came and went as they pleased.  The idea of a fenced in yard or dog-walkers or something seemed like something that was only on tv.

I really don’t think these guys walk around day to day with a security detail in the US.  At an event?  Sure.  Sitting around what looks like some sort of cafe?  no.

SI should have been able to ease into the internet world as easily as anyone. they were driven by a mix of long form investigative work and photography, which works just fine online.

You could do a page out of a standardized test sheet, like the PSATs or something.  The LSATs have logic games that might be a bit advanced but are more interesting than sat problems.

I don’t mean to make you feel worse but there’s a lowe’s about two blocks away from it on 6th ave.