
Is this a meme? Do people really believe this?

Ten years ago I would have been hyped by this news, but after watching WB repeatedly fumble multiple DC projects over the last few years (Flash, Batgirl, The Whedon Cut, etc) and deciding to turn Teen Titans into this...

I heard there was a booming economy with all sorts of available well-paying jobs, was that a lie?

Feels like Democrats won’t shut up until no one has a job left.

Another perfect example of Democrats thinking they know what’s best for everyone, and just making things worse for everyone.

I imagine neither Lyft nor Uber want to pay for drivers as they sit. They are like the airlines that don’t want to pay for attendants unless the doors are closed on the planes. And I don’t really think the 10k would be right. If you just add up the drivers for Uber + Lyft, that isn’t the actual number. Since most

The combat looks pretty fun from what I’ve seen.

Sometimes that’s all you need.

The crazy part is that then President Trump wanted TikTok to use a US based company to house the TikTok US data to mitigate security concerns which Microsoft was interested in doing. It was stopped because he was accused of being xenophopic. Now they want to have the company sell TikTok or ban it all together.

I don’t think she will die from a digital cat, so you should be ok.

An analyst who owns a ton of Apple stock says: “people are returning it cause they just don’t, like, GET IT, man! Nothing wrong with the product, just people who DONT GET IT.” Clearly you, the wise, sophisticated shopper will get it and will absolutely love it.*

I know this has been mentioned before, but a lot of people, especially social media influencers never planned to keep the device in the first place and probably checked the box next to the return reason that would ensure a full refund. I’m sure a lot of them saw that their video performance did not bring in enough

Is this the same guy that told all the people who criticized Starfield that they are just flat out wrong because he says the game IS fun and they just don’t understand “fun”.

Hi there, I noticed you mentioned Prime. Would you like purchase an annual subscription for yourself and perhaps several family members?

I think I have a workaround for this dastardly scheme:

So long as this filler is optional, I don’t see a big issue.  Stuff like this is a big reason why the Like a Dragon games are so fun for fans.

Not anymore. Now the CEO of Atlas Corporation, who was previously unnamed before Rhys took over, is named Mr. Atlas!

I don’t get the casting. Is this supposed to be like 30 years after BL2? Also, Jack Black’s great, but why not use the same voice actor for Claptrap, as it’s entirely a VO gig?

That whole episode is good, but I would argue that the best Simpsons needle drop was Homer’s walk-in music when he fought Drederick Tatum - War’s “Why Can’t We Be Friends?”