
Nope, she left weeks, perhaps even months ago...but the timing of the announcement is perfect. That’s A+ work on her publicist.

Not only is this headline clickbaity, it’s factually incorrect, since the article cited here says this has been discussed since before the strike.

If you want to use a more literal definition of ‘snub’ (rebuffed, ignored, spurned disdainfully) Hogwarts Legacy fits that bill to a tee. Considering the conversation around the game, it was obvious it wasn’t going to be nominated regardless if it was good or bad.

The content creators also suffer” oh noz

There is nothing more frustrating then watching something and it getting to a critical moment and then boom, ad. Takes you right out of the program your watching.

This can be said for the vast majority of “off road” vehicles people drive. 

This. YouTube wouldn’t be in this position if they had been sensible about where and how ads appear on their site. But they fucked up and got greedy and turned off so many users who otherwise wouldn’t have sought out an ad blocker. Hell, my 71-year-old father who can barely send an e-mail installed an ad blocker

Google’s primary revenue is Search Ads, not selling ad space on YouTube, which is something no AdBlocker or VPN has ever been able to make a dent in. Funny enough, a quick google search will give you dozens of graphs just like this one.

The biggest takeaway for me is that The Mummy Returns is apparently considered a horror movie.

Glad to see the ACA working like a charm!

1 game selling well doesn’t prove anything. It needs to be consistent and it needs to not be widely available elsewhere. Let’s be honest, the Steam crowd isn’t going to jump ship to GamePass for 1 game.

At the very least they should have tried to fix “IIII” to “IV.”

Clockmakers specifically still use IIII a lot, either as tradition or artistic choice. One of the things I see a lot is that it divides the dial into three balanced segments, one with all I, one with V and one with X. Either way, finding out that there are plenty of clocks with IIII on them is an easy search, a bit

I’m really not a fan of the casual, and often critically absurd, “gotcha-ism” that articles like these have regarding AI. There are a LOT of ethical and existential issues we’re going to have to work through with AI imaging, and thoughtful discussion is necessary

Nice... also, what’s the point of this article?  To tell me AI was used or that using AI is bad?

I find a certain irony that a website that has basically had an open editorial line of, “Woohoo, f**k you, AI users, eat s*** and die!” with regard to AI-generated images not being subject to copyright is now going to turn around and weep over a company taking an AI-generated image from a third-party site and using it

Therapy is a place where you’re supposed to be safe enough to reveal your honest feelings and impressions and thoughts not have them dragged out for the world to dissect and gossip over.

It takes only a second of thought to see how open to abuse this would be.

They probably prefer making a profit

Pwning Musk by constantly engaging with twitter and spamming other sites with unrelated tweets