
I would rather they ban cards for ranked and tournament play, like other real life TCG’s do, than nerfing.

If you knew your history you would know that the Swastika was appropriated from official religions by the Nazi’s. Those religions existed thousands of years before the Nazi’s and people still use the swastika to this day in those religions. So the swastika itself is not racist however if you put the swastika in a

The point he was making, which you obviously missed, is that in our current society making fun of minorities/people of color accents is considered racist when making fun of white peoples accent’s (America Southern accents, Boston, Australia, Italy, etc.) isn’t considered racist. From what I see, the current trend

Per the dictionary:

I love when white people get offended for me and other black people. I honestly believe it’s like that friend who kisses your butt when they know they have screwed up (i.e. slavery) and when you forgive them then they don’t care anymore. I don’t need you to get offended for me. If you really want to help give me some

Our society is imposing the views of 1984 on ourselves. George Orwell was right about the execution just wrong about the executors

It is not ridiculous to believe that Mickey Mouse could be co-opted into a racist meme. The Nazi’s took a religious symbol, hundreds of years old, and made it into a symbol of hate. Wear a swastika and walk down the street and the first thought people will think is Nazi instead of religious symbol.  

The thing is that the NFL is played for the fans. The fans have voted before and the majority wanted the name to stay the same so it will stay the same. I am sure that if the tribe that wants this name change sweetened the deal by offering to pay to replace all of the current Redskins players gear and the fans