Gerardo Serrano Ramìrez

They were basically gigantic chickens. They mainly chew their food in their colosal gizzards, which were filled with rocks. They mouth only swallowed.

The quick fix would it be to fire Snider and shut his mouth up. Every comment he makes or his reluctance to admit any mistake is poison marketing with the fan’s base.

That looks exactly like something the Punisher would drive. As a matter of fact, he drove one in the Spiderman’s cartoon from the nineties.

Snider is officially worse than Michael Bay

How much arrogance and self-righteousness, just like those holier-than-thou

Burton thought he could improve Carol’s work making his own version, so will it be with this one?

At least, that Lutor doesn’t have bicep and pectoral silicon implants.

In Spanish literature, there are lots of literary contests, and all of them are rigged. They give the award to renown and already stablished writers, making fool to the newbies who want to make a breakthrough. I’m telling this because I’m a writer, and my firsts novels went to contest like this just to see big names

Like the ending of “Y tú mamá también”, cancer included. Ups! Spoilers!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t “Mockingjay part II”film in one of those “empty” Chinese cities?

Dr. Doom is basically a disfigured man who wears a armor and a mask to hide it. Why is that so hard to do for the movie men?

If that happens, Marvel studios would have to close.

Simpsonized Darth Vader?

The prequels wade “mee” money compared to the original trilogy that made way more than Avatar. And The Force Awakens is making original trilogy money. So, the prequels were mediocre in that as well.

Sixteen Candles

Pretty in Pink

Weird Science

Breakfast club

Leader Snoke is the father of Snooky?

The object looks too industrialized to be handmade. Besides, you have to check how much gold is in it, or even if that’s even gold.