Gerardo Serrano Ramìrez

Where’s the avocado sauce? I’m Mexican and that doesn’t look like the chimichangas I know.

George was a miser.

Isn’t it the plot of Austin Power’s Goldmember?

They only used a recognized and well known brand to sell this to make a completely different thing. And that has a name: fraud.

The best? Or the less worst?

At least it is an original design. I haven’t seen a more original starfighter design in any other movie franchise. Specially in the prequels of Star Wars, which lacked of original spaceship designs very badly, if you compare them with the ones of the original trilogy.

That award was only a “fuck you” republicans from part of the rest of the world.

That’s another thing we have to blame for to George “You-ruined-my childhood” Lucas, since he is the one who started so ill advised trent.

I’m studying French and I wanted to get French ebooks, turns out there aren’t (at least the ones I wanted). The French yet again show how snobby they are.

Animal cruelty, like the donkey-Zebras of Tijuana

Silence is just like The Godfather, the source material is tawdry and vulgar, but the movie they made of it turned out to be pure gold. The movie, in this case, is better than the source material and that is why the won best picture in the Academy Awards.

I think this is actually an original idea for a movie, but disguised as a remake, in order to be greenlighted by a Hollywood executive. I guess that’s how things work there.

I was thinking that too. Herbivores’ manure is less filthy than predators or, in our case, omnivores’ manure. I have seen horse shit in a roadway where I use to run, but no flies at all. Why? It’s almost all semi digested grass blades. But take a look a turd of dog’s shit, flies and flies. It seems that the one who

But there are monkeys in Mexico and Mexico is in North America? ...oh, I forgot, Americans think Mexico is in Central America. My mistake

The Sirmarillion is a brief or synthesis of a long drawn out saga that could be extended to the same size of 8 seasons of Game of Thrones. Good luck with that.

This could happen... just as Lars Von Trier speculated in “Melancholia”.

the closest thing will get to a jetpack

These set of rules also apply to knockoffs and cash-in imitating movies, just like it happened with Jaws with the serie of movies that came later with killer creatures or Halloween and all the slasher films that were produced because of its success. Or even, can someone say one movie about demonic possession that

but they won’t let him and he got mad. Please, don’t attack me.

Hitler only wanted to be a painter.