Gerardo Serrano Ramìrez

Have you ever seen an elephant running? It’s only a fast walk. But it’s sure fast.

The real issue is not being white, is being from “Hollywoood”. The problem is not the race but the status of Scarlett Johansson as a “Hollywood Star.” There is simply no “A list” Hollywood star who were an “Asian American” to star a movie with the budget of the proportions of this movie. It could be also just Asian,

It was the same with the “Sith” in “Revenche of the Sith”.

Is it me, or this Archi looks like Edward the sparkling vampire?

The problem is they are old, they can’t attract interest just like the new Tarzan’s, Lone Ranger, El Zorro or John Carter of Mars movies. They’ll tank just like them.  

El Quijote, or the Quixote, is not a fantastic story but the other way around, it’s a realistic story about a man who became alienated by the books of chevaliery he reads and Cervantes makes an ass of him, showing that all that fantasy is plain stupid. It’s as if today they make a movie about a man who thinks he is a

I guess that the problem is that Luke is still too young to help them.

Is that suit body painted?

Wooperrito? It contains puppy meat? Perrito means puppy in Spanish (or little dog) and Burrito means little donkey. Do they even bother to check those things?

These are venomous ants that bite and sting.

20 years ago Imsaw one of those myself. It was in a dam. I was walking on the rim and suddenly one popped up. I live in Mexico and I thought I was dreaming. Now I can see it was something more common than I thought.

According to some Tarot readers —if you believe in such things— he will also die this year... if he happen to go on vacations.

I don’t know why in Sony Pictures think that doing exactly the same with each damn movie they churn out they are going to get a different outcome, that is, a hit. This happens with any Sandler shithole, Garfield’s Spider Man movies or anything else. Why don’t they stop shorts their nasty shenanigans, as making each

They want to churn out movies as if they were all a sure thing, like... hamburgers. They would like to make movies as McDonalds sell burgers or Coke sodas. This ain’t art anymore, this is marketing.

Shouldn’t they use rotors —as the ones of this rocket— instead swilling tons of rocket fuel?

Don’t they already have them? Just think about it, Usain Bolt, Michael Jordan, Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson, Emit Smith.

Sadder than that it is when the change that tittle for “Just shoot ‘em up”, thinking about some minority of actual human beings. Like Muslims, Gays or Mexicans. By the way, I am one of ‘em.

In some unknown region of my brain was embebed such image you just showed, but for some ignored reason it was tightly blocked up and supressed. So many thanks for bring it back to me.

Not Alien... Prometeus!

If it’s not based on the original book I don’t want to see it. Do they really think they can improve the original? When I came out of seeing the original I felt swindled. How dare they think they can do better what was already a timeless classic?