
It’s not like she tweeted this out unprompted. Interviewers could stop putting people on the spot, asking what they think about dumb things other people have said. And news aggregators could stop amplifying their answers.

Feel like these films could use more diversity. 

You’re right, it feels like the smart play would be to establish one of them (oh, I don’t know, maybe the freaking Oscar winner who plays a great character?!) from the go as the lead character; no pussy-footing (cat euphemism, get it?) around and being coy about who’s the lead character even if that character doesn’t

I thought the movie transitioned very awkwardly from the Ulysses Klaue half to the Killmonger half, and yes, the final battle was just bad. I liked the first film mostly because I was already a fan of T’Challa and I liked Boseman’s performance, so, there’s really no reason for me to go see this film.

I agree with this (I used to go be an African Braiding place that displayed the Black Panther necklace all over the store0). But I also remember walking out of the theatre when I saw the first film and my first comment to my date was “Michael B. Jordan was a better Black Panther than Chadwick Boseman” and like I guess

Saying “Chadwick Boseman isn’t a good actor” is like saying “Harrison Ford isn’t a good actor.” No doubt a person could make a sound argument to support that assertion, but while they were making their argument I’d be busy wishing that Chadwick Boseman or Harrison Ford were making it, because it’s entertaining to

I know it’s aside the larger point but the reason T’Challa is first through is because the Russos wanted Sam Wilson to be the first to indicate all the heroes were back. They wanted him to use the “on your left” line and that meant the portal from Wakanda opening first. And then they reasoned that if a portal opened

The first film suffered from some pretty significant pacing issues (and the godawful CGI); the setting and performances were the only thing that elevated it. It was a perfectly serviceable film, but Fury Road it was not despite everyone out here acting like it.

I take it that the Wakandan government repealed their draconian law that says they have to follow someone who beat everyone else’s asses after they had to follow a genocidal psychopath like Killmonger. Otherwise it’ll not only be a retread of the first film, but stretching credibility if other warriors like M’Baku were

Yeah. I remember sitting down to rank the MCU movies after Endgame (I make no claims to be a movie expert, a cinema expert, a comics expert, or anything other than a person who likes watching movies) and Black Panther was smack-dab in the middle.

Honestly I kinda agree? I loved Black Panther, and I absolutely understand and appreciate what it means to a lot of people since it was a huge cultural thing, and very, very important. But the actual movie itself, when you take away all of the significance and its impact, probably isn’t a top three MCU movie for me. I

The thing with your argument is that it’s just about covid when this is more than that. We were shaming these idiots long before covid and will continue to after because there are worse diseases that are making a comeback like polio thanks to these morons. 

Delay the film? And mess up the assembly line? Heavens no. 

My opinion - Boseman was good. But that first Black Panther movie was... not as great as many people want to claim.

*prepares for an intensely derogatory onslaught due to a difference of opinion*

“...though he gives an indisputably star-making turn, it still feels like a villain—even one as well-reasoned as him—shouldn’t be the most important, or interesting, character in this hero’s tale.”

I like the physical mute switch on my iPhone. I use it multiple times a day:

What? I seriously can’t believe the lengths fanboys go. You really think removing the mute button is a good idea? Mind blown. Seriously - I’ll smoke what you’re smoking.

Apple likely isn’t going to run ads showing a customer subtly muting their iPhone before a big meeting

Sorry that your grandmother got talked into getting a great phone.