
I found it mostly absurd and ridiculous when it wasn’t flat out boring. The hobbit characters were fun and charismatic, and Elrond and Durin had great chemistry, but every other character was a chore to watch. I have yet to talk to any of my friends or family who watched it who actually enjoyed it and are looking

Deleted to avoid actively participating in this dumpster fire*


Bingo. They’re “fine” in terms of audio quality. But when I go for bike rides in DC it’s an absolute necessity to be able to hear the traffic and pedestrians around me, and my Aftershox (sp?) are awesome for that. 

Agreed. The argument people always make about how this is “hypocrisy” or “stupid” that I’ve seen is “well, if the article was so unimportant, then why did you click on it?!?!” But that argument relies on an assumption that people literally know everything about an article BEFORE reading it. If a reader trusts The Root

Everything was very bad in Valerian. The script is just so incredibly awkward. Every time its on TV I watch it thinking “well, it was very pretty, so it’ll be fine to have on in the background”, but the dialogue is so awful that it makes me physically uncomfortable. Using “cringe” as a description was literally

Same. I remember thinking it looked ridiculous, but I love going to the movies so I ended up checking it out just because I wanted to see something that day. I ended up liking it way more than I thought I would, and thinking that they did a really poor job of marketing it to highlight the positive aspects of it. I

I’m continuously surprised at how many people are upset about PS5 games costing $70 given that the price of video games hasn’t really budged much in decades. With inflation, a $70 game today is the equivalent of roughly a $40 game in 1995, and games were $50-60 back then (IIRC), so we’re still getting a discount

I don’t think you realize that corporations are a far broader subset of entities than simply international conglomerates whose valuations are in the billions of dollars. Citizens United the organization was a 501(c)(4) non-profit, just like the ACLU, NOW, the Sierra Club, etc. Do you honestly think that the ACLU

Meh, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. It’s a matter of balancing which backlash you think will be worse. If they don’t say anything then people will begin demanding comments and calling them out for “being silent in the face of oppression”, or whatever. So the companies have to decide if it’s better for their

Do you notice any actual changes in your health status now that your sheets are changed more often? Less respiratory problems or sickness? Fewer asthma attacks or anything?

Bingo. I also love the way these articles throw out numbers to freak folks out without any context. “MILLIONS OF BACTERIA AN HOUR!!” Okay, but aren’t we exposed to millions and millions of bacteria every day as a consequence of being alive? Sure, millions SOUNDS like a lot, but in the context of world literally

The laptop in the provided link has a 2060 graphics card, not a 1060. 

The laptop in the provided link has a 2060 graphics card, not a 1060. 

Remy would like a word.

The Sopranos finale (particularly the last five minutes) is the greatest finale in television history. Come at me.

Your comment is reasonable and factually based, and also points out a fairly obvious error in the rant that Drew wrote (which is ironic, given that the reason Drew included that tidbit was to attack BS for misleading his audience). All of which is just to say that there is a reason your comment only has 2 likes

It’s not just you. The irrational vitriol about this take is bizarre. It’s like the lady that leaked that coke video of Chris Foerster claiming she did it to expose white privilege. It’s just an absurd justification.

Not really, which is why it’s so bizarre to see people attacking him in nonsensical fashion. It’s like making up things to hate Trump about- the guy gives you an overwhelming number of legitimate things to criticize, just hit him for those things instead of coming up with fallacious rationales for insulting him.

Whoa whoa whoa, duuuudde. If ancient people’s found mammoths then why’d they call them giants instead of mammoths? And you say dinosaurs are dragons, but the word dragon has been around forever man, so if they’d seen dinosaurs back then they wouldn’t have had to invent that word 150 years ago.

That’s fine. There’s no reason why they have to agree that the things he claims are important are. What’s your point?