
Lmao. You seem pretty upset that a commenter has an opinion about an opinion writer’s opinion.

You’re gonna be blown away when you learn about this thing called “inflation”.

but JJ abrams, who directed that mess, doesn’t get any flak for it.”

Of course we can, what a silly argument. So what, she was inconsequential in all the stuff she worked on that you liked, but was the sole driving force on all the stuff you didn’t like? Please.”

That era has 3 movies. Phantom Menace is mediocre. Clone Wars is TERRIBLE. And Revenge of the Sith is ok.”

I’m sure there are tons of male executives that would get as much or more criticism”

Sometimes I wonder about this site. Blue Beetle had “solid buzz and great reviews”? It’s got a 61 on Metacritic (with no score higher than an 85) and I don’t remember ANY buzz for it before coming out. Where do y’all come up with some of this stuff? 

I found it mostly absurd and ridiculous when it wasn’t flat out boring. The hobbit characters were fun and charismatic, and Elrond and Durin had great chemistry, but every other character was a chore to watch. I have yet to talk to any of my friends or family who watched it who actually enjoyed it and are looking

Deleted to avoid actively participating in this dumpster fire*

silly movies involving the Moon”

Ahh, got it. Trek at least started off by expanding upon TOS by creating TNG and DS9. I haven’t paid too much attention to the more recent TV shows, but definitely see your point. And the Abrams movies were absolutely godawful.

I’ve heard Alien described as the best sci-fi horror movie of all time while Aliens is the best sci-fi action movie ever. Those are BOLD claims, but I think it gets to the heart of why trying to pick one or the other is foolish. They’re two totally different movies that are both unbelievably awesome.

A) Yes, if we’re limiting the possibilities to “the kinds of stories that Lana wanted to REVISIT” then sure, we’re establishing a limitation that expressly requires her to have told a story just like this one.

I kind of wish they had told a story where Neo was involved as a tertiary character in the telling of the story of new characters. Kind of like how Luke was a mentor in TLJ rather than the main character of the sequel trilogy (I disliked just about everything about the sequel trilogy, but I at least appreciated that

His point is that they shouldn’t have told this precise story- they should have made a Matrix 4 that was telling other character’s stories. “This project” was “making a fourth Matrix movie” not “making exactly this Matrix movie”.

Presumably the actions of Neo and Bugs’ crew threaten the stability of the peace that has lasted between the machines and the humans for 60 years. It doesn’t threaten iO directly so much as threaten all of humanity by thrusting the two groups back into an all consuming war. 

Agreed. I got a very “NOT The Force Awakens!” vibe to the whole “no no, you achieved everything you set out to do and then some!” aspect of the story. The problem is that it makes it difficult to understand what the stakes of the story are this time around. People are voluntarily jacking into the Matrix and that’s bad

The even weirder thing about this is that most of the criticisms have nothing to do with a retroactive reappraisal of the movie using today’s cultural viewpoints. Germain is literally just writing critiques that could have been written 20 years- there’s only one or two throwaway lines that are based on what we

This is arguably the most frustrating aspect of the current cultural movement. Legitimate concerns about cultural appropriation and explicitly racist past actions have created a situation where critical thinking has gone out the window and the shallowest similarities to a problematic act are now viewed as actually

Agreed. I have never liked this movie either, but for the life of me I can’t understand why the author thought it deserved a full article about what made it bad. “I watched a movie 20 years ago and didn’t like it and I still don’t and the reasons why it doesn’t work are pretty much exactly the same as when it first