
The idea of watching an entire season of TV in one weekend is so wild to me - I typically don’t have the time to watch more than an hour or two of television per week! 

I understand fan engagement leads to being able to make more good shows.  At the same time, I don’t care in the least about engaging, find hype extremely uninteresting, and would much rather have everything at once to watch at my leisure.  I thought that was by far the best part of the Netflix TV model, and wish all

Linda, do you like ANYTHING?

Man, this really is just gay people 2.0 isn’t it?  I saw this “homophobic implies I’m scared of gay people” routine in the late 90s. 

And half the time that fan engagement looks like “X MEN CONFIRMED! WHERE’S MEPHISTO?

But that will be the first fifth season, this is the final fourth season (also the first).

This is also a weird sentence:

I think having a constraint can be useful for writing and editing discipline. Disenchantment definitely does not benefit from Matt Groening making the episodes as long as he feels like, whilst Futurama and The Simpsons benefited from the tightness of the 22 minute hard limit.

Apparently I’m in the minority but I personally like the differing lengths of episodes. 42 minutes is a constraint of network television with ads. I don’t want TV constraints on my premium streaming services.

A guy tackled him on stage. A group of people who worked at Netflix tried to get his specials removed. And he has talked about being confronted in a hostile manner in public settings. You’re dead wrong about this. And if you reply to me and its not some sort of a “mea culpa”, then there will be no civil argument

sorry, i had that wrong — the fourth season is the penultimate season, the fifth season will be the final season.

I actually don’t care for his comedy at all, sorry. You can misconstrue my point all you want by acting like my difference of opinion means I support WHAT he’s saying, I’m not. The same way I would defend YOU saying something I might not agree with. Peace!

Transphobic can also mean hating trans people.

Easy, you don’t need to flex with the gifs you’ve been sitting on. 

I mean, if I’m going to pay to see a live stand-up act, I’d expect to hear controversial and offensive jokes. Even if said comedian decided to make cracks at my expense....and run with it for the rest of their set, I’d still probably laugh because they’d be right.

Yeah I know. You might hear jokes you don’t like!  

and they’d be right.

You almost never know who the opening act is for a comedy show and sometimes you don’t like that act.

7-6-5-5-6-5 years between

2-6-4 years between

6-6-7-7 years between

4-8-7 years between

In North America the time between the PS2 and PS3 was 6 years. Then it was another 7 years until the PS4 was released. Then another 7 for the PS5. So really, the only time it was 5 years was between the PS1 and PS2.