
Situational awareness...the tag line of companies like Aftershokz. They don’t advertise Bose/Sony/Sendheiser levels of fidelity, but they absolutely allow people to hear their surroundings while enjoying activities outdoors [not mowing the lawn, even with the earplugs you can drowned out the music].

Hard agree, except of course for games where their difficulty of their gameplay is the spiel and lowering it makes the experience dull or fall apart.

That’s one of the things I love about the Bloodborne community. Even if someone does throw out a git gud, it’s the most polite git gud you’ll ever see. They’ll be like “it seems like you’re doing everything right, I feel you, most players struggled on this boss. Unfortunately this is just one of those ‘git gud’

I didn’t conflate the points, the author did by juxtaposing them against one another as if the latter was a response to the former. That’s why I used the word “implication” in my ‘spittle-laced invective’. Because that’s what the author did - implied the relationship.

Exactly. At a certain point, you can set up the gameplay to make beating (or completing. Or finishing. Or whatever term the author finds socially acceptable) a game the equivalent of watching someone else play it on youtube. I see a great example of how difficulty impacts gameplay and the overall experience when I

Less of this apologist shit.

I snarked because someone questioning why an article was necessary while commenting on the article always strikes me as hypocrisy at its finest.

though ironically, just the mere mention of her name seems to trigger a defense mechanism in some folks, despite there being neither attack nor coddling going on here

Thank you for your rational thinking—and thorough reading.

“I snarked because someone questioning why an article was necessary while commenting on the article always strikes me as hypocrisy at its finest.”

If Barron Trump grows up to be a piece of shit like literally the rest of his family, I will gleefully drag him in every possible way—but if he manages to be decent as a person and his personal views (not even requiring saintly goodness, here) despite those around him and the environment of his upbringing, then I

Well, yes, I do want The Root to stay strong, so you’re welcome.

You’re right.  She should have chosen a different family.

“I notice you werent saying this article shouldnt exist BEFORE we wrote it!” isnt the Big Brain sentiment you think it is.

Now only if “KKKemper” could be considered “rational thinking”. But now we’re suddenly the civilised bunch. Way to much fun was had with using that smear.

We’re blaming people for given birth names and relatives now.

I think she already knew ages ago.

I still don’t know anything about them.

the original article was popular in part because it was linked all over the right wing o sphere as an example of “cancel culture gone amok”