
The stars of Jupiter’s Legacy, including Josh Duhamel, Leslie Bibb, and Ben Daniels, have been released from their Netflix contracts.

It certainly didn’t help that the action scenes were....not good... So you didn’t even have that distraction for the story.

Know who else was a close KKK member? This black woman who took part in 2016:

You see, a couple decades ago she participated in an organization that was pretty racist a few decades prior. This made me realize that, since I went to a college that only desegregated a hundred years before I was born, I’m also in the Klan, so now I have to deal with that.

For reference, Carnival/Mardi Gras started as a festival themed around force-feeding Jews, stripping them of clothing, and forcing them to run through the streets while jeered and pelted by the crowds. Even today, antisemitic floats are a standard part of European observances. Maybe don’t start pointing fingers at

Don’t ask me why I bothered, but I believe I found the answer based on a review of the wiki article about the group. They never changed the name of the Veiled Prophet, the Veiled Prophet Organization, the Veiled Prophet Ball, or the Queen of the Veiled Prophet, all of which are done each December. They only changed

Yeah, isn’t this kinda like saying Kermit the Frog is a racist because there were confederate flags at some random Southern state fair in “The Muppet Movie”?

Come on Root, you gotta be better than this. 

It looks like the only link between her and the veiled prophet origin of the event was a Post-Dispatch article in 1999 (during Kemper’s Freshman year in college) that someone tweeted, using the term “Veiled Prophet” to describe Kemper, the event, and the organization when Tonja’s article itself acknowledges that the

This story is the definition of “so what?”

Just about every American institution or custom has, at some point or another, had some kind of racist element encoded into its DNA. That’s the real story here. Not that some 19 year old competed in a dumb pageant. 

Example 1: The Democratic Party.

It’s also not a new story. I read an article on this (I want to say last year?) and she talked about how she came from a super privileged, wealthy background and her embarrassment over her participation in this ball. I’m trying to find it now but every page of google is dominated by this latest news.

Oh thank Christ, I thought there was actually going to be meat to this story and that I was going to have to write off another actor/ress.

This is a nothing-burger. It’s like getting upset that people who get hammered at Octoberfest are just celebrating the Anti-semitism of Bavaria in 1276...

The GOP is passing laws to suppress the Black vote across the country and you post this clickbait non-story about a fair with a racist past to take down a talented actress who did nothing wrong? Jesus.

Hol up, you’re telling me that St. Louis did something Klan related? THE St. Louis? The one in Missouri? Oh wow, who could have ever imagined that aside from literally every person on the planet or at least these United States? I had to look up who she was (I’ve tried with the Office but it’s just not funny; never

We really doing this? Really? I mean we have Texas trying to take away the right to vote for anyone that isn’t white, actually seasons their food and can clap on the 2 & 4 and this is what you’re concerned with? I am all for multi-tasking but I am also for priorities and this ain’t it. Unless you have footage of her

Umm... no... the headline should probably read “white girl went to a debutante ball when she was a teenager and was crowned princess by the organization that sponsored it which was linked to racism that the white girl likely knew nothing about”. I really hope she doesn’t get dragged through the mud for this shit.

So what did she actually do that was racist?

Look, if we start doing “Famous person took part in institution that turned out to be hella racist” takes we’re going to be here forever because, spoiler alert, most white institutions in America are hella racist.