
And, like I said, nobody expects critics to design games in their reviews. But there’s a difference between that and not having an informed opinion. If you’re looking at a thing you dislike and you just can’t conceive of a way it could be improved maybe the issue is not with the feature and you just don’t enjoy the

Wait, what?

I have tremendous fondness for the first Thor. I liked that it combined the basic goofiness of the the Thor universe (the part where they ride horses across the rainbow bridge only to get off and go through the bifrost is a fav moment), with the Shakespearean family drama. Hiddleston does a great job at selling Loki’s

Maybe that was too aggressive, but I feel like the entire article was way too dismissive of how beneficial it is. I agree that some of the near-death screens are way too aggressive, like showing the whole screen cracked. A red glow from the outside of the screen is fine.

Strong disagree, I’d hate to see these go. I get that they could be better at not obscuring your vision, but in a tense fight I really don’t have the mental acuity to be monitoring a healthbar. My tiny brain has only one point of focus and that’s usually aimed at the guns/swords/tentacles that are aimed at me. I need

I think “just not a great gamer” is a bit harsh, but I agree with your key point that having an unmistakeable visual (and auditory, if the inevitable pounding heartbeat sound effect is anything to go by in so many games) cue that “dude, you need to fuck off outta there, like, now” is a very good way to get the

You’re on the brink of death—a tense situation—so the game therefore increases the tension, possibly with the hope that it could stoke some dormant survival instinct. Red screens of almost-death also serve as an immediate visual cue to warn the player about impending death.

I’d seen Chris Evans in both of the original Fantastic Four films and in Push LONG before he was cast as Steve Rogers.

To this day, dropping the line “I JUST bought this tux!” gets a giggle out of my wife.

It’s funny, I thought the same of Thor — I didn’t LOVE it, but it was as good as a Thor movie — Thor always seemed so inherently silly one could never pull it off in live action, I long thought — I thought it could be at the time (and Dark World proved me right for a while).

He was just the doofy fat guy on P&R. He had bit roles in some movies and the lead in one awful movie most people never heard of. He was not a movie star and really most famous for being married to Anna Faris.

I thought the same thing. I was actually VERY familiar with Chris Evans as he was in Not Another Teen Movie. After that he seemed just on the cusp of becoming a star - a few great supporting roles (Sunshine, The Losers), some misses as a lead that show potential (Cellular, Push), and then of course his shot playing

Brie Larson won the Academy Award for Best Actress three years before Captain Marvel released, and Chadwick Boseman played both Jackie Robinson and James Brown years before appearing in Civil War. And while he wasn’t a super star, Evans was in tons of things before being Cap including two Marvel movies, as Johnny

the team up movies helped this too, and then Ragnarok comes around and just knocks it out of the park. 

lego and jurassic park came after. all he was in was TV prior. 

Everyone seems to have forgotten Chris Evans’ brief time in the DC Universe in The Losers. 

Seriously. Brie Larson was already an Oscar winner!

I mainly knew Chris Pratt as Andy from Parks and Recreation. I remember seeing he had been cast as Starlord and laughing with my wife about dopey ol’ Andy playing a superhero.

Chris Evans to Brie Larson to Chadwick Boseman and Elizabeth Olsen,

Am I supposed to applaud your oh-so-late realization that corporations can have motivations just as self-interested as individual people? As though individuals never align themselves with a cause because they think it might make them popular...

I’m glad to see Oswalt cast in the role. But I was really hoping that all the Koening siblings on AoS were going to be fused into a single entity the team would be forced to fight — a Machine Only Devised Of Koenings, if you will.