
I’m very much in the “fuck Ray Fisher” camp. He was a shitty actor in a shitty movie, there may have been issues but he’s basically become a professional victim just hinting at issues instead of coming right out  and saying his side and refusing to cooperate in an investigation that he demanded. Then demanding the the

Be that as it may, at some point casting directors and studio execs are going to start saying “ya know, if we want a black man for this role, there are a lot of black actors OTHER than Ray Fisher....”

Yup.  This is a “there are no good guys here” sort of situation.

And nobody’s calling him out that he thinks his gripes about his inconsequential role in a movie compares to someone actually dying?

Is it me or does Ray Fisher strike you as someone who was done wrong but is also kind of an asshole? See: Rose McGowan.

Ray Fisher wants to make it really clear that he NEVER wants to work again, doesn’t he?

AVclub profiting on this dumbass drama that is way past it’s expiration date.

Yeah, whereas the Snyder Cut was at least compelling in that it was so different from what we got theatrically, the extended BvS is just more of the same, but drawn out and less interesting (and it was already pretty boring to begin with).

They considered Batman v. Superman: The Martha Chronicles but ran into issues with the Ray Bradbury estate.

From the absurdity of that unused title to the over-designed Superman suit, it seems that Snyder was going to such great lengths to avoid admitting that he was making comic book movies. This over-exertion to “elevate” these movies from their lowly comic book origins.  I know people like to take swipes at the popular

Marthan Manhunters

Man of Steel 2: Steel Harder”

The Snyder cut was just as bad as the Whedon cut, just for different reasons.

His style, to me, at least seems a little overwrought, like he is trying to have his films “say something”, and I can see why that would be appealing to some, but, from what I have heard, that style is not executed well at least seven times out of ten.

I just wanted to say I recently was very bored and tried to watch the extended BvS:DoJ R-Rated cut on HBO Max and couldn’t get through it.

Man of Super, Man of Bat: Sunrise on Law and Order: Extended edition

I know he has fans somehow, but my god is Snyder just awful. And his cut of Justice League was every bit as bad as the theatrical cut.

I think it’s funny that the “v” was to avoid making it sound like a versus movie, but instead made it sound like a courtroom movie. “Batman v the Board of Education”.

“The whole ‘v’ instead of ‘versus,’ it was like this crazy negotiation,” Snyder said at the con. “I was like, ‘Guys, can’t we just do something like Son of Sun and Knight of Night, or something that’s a little bit more poetic?’”

If only there were 80 some odd years of material they could have drawn from for a title....