
It's raining in my cube right now.


Good point about the joints and the sealing problem. You lost me at bigotry, though.

LED LCD TVs look great. And they do get brighter, which is why some people say they are better (there is actually market research on this). And yes, because they are brighter they do better than plasmas in bright rooms. But dollar for dollar, a plasma will deliver better color reproduction, better blacks, and

You forgot viewing angle... I love my 60" plasma, I can quickly run from the stove to the door to get a quick peek at the TV in the other room, at about 70 degrees off center.

Because LED technology is "newer" and people want newer technology because they assume it's better. Plus, people have all these preconceived notions about Plasma TVs from the first few years they were out that haven't been true in a long time. And sales reps at Big Box stores are happy to sell people LED LCDs

While a valid point (plasmas have more noise), you would never see that at a regular viewing distance. Plasmas have more accurate colors and black levels, so they should be superior for viewing pictures as well.

Plasma is superior. I use my 60" as a full time computer monitor for gaming and movies. It's vastly superior to my LED.

In easy terms, it's a reference tag stating the topic or main idea of the topic in conversation so any one looking for something about let's say "cats" can type cat and all of the "tweets" with #cat will come out.... Buuuut, as most things it went out of control and people have exaggerated the use of this and that's

Only if the United States Dollar is made illegal since people use those to buy drugs too.

By that logic, since it is a decentralized network with no central governance, no one has a right to stop them from seizing it. Law of the jungle, man. :-)

I'll be completely honest — fuck the critics, I loved the whole series.

Return to the Source: Philosophy of the Matrix is a documentary about The Matrix trilogy that is essentially an hour of interviews with renowned scholars and philosophers. In general they seem to have much more to say about the sequels than the original, which goes to show: make movies that are too smart and only the

I was about to post something snarky about this article (like "How to Get the New iOS 7 and Remove Everything New!"), but then decided that there was enough snarkiness on the Internet. So here's a picture of the baby panda at the National Zoo.

Why do people always give 'Nazis' an apostrophe?!

Dear sir. Do you know what analog and digital signals are? Your example is showing the effects of digital interference on an analog signal. Analog signals are extemely prone to interference because the signal they tansmit is dependent on the exact voltage passing through the wire. So any nearby electromagnetic wave

You had one job, Steven! One job!

I'll always be amazed at the sight of that guy casually walking off the bridge with a pipe in his hand. I would have crapped my pants into next week. And I'm still pissed that he didn't bother saving his dog. How hard would it have been to bring the damn dog with him FFS?

DRM isn't about preventing illegal copies from getting out there because, like you said, that's going to happen anyway. DRM is about conditioning consumers that a digital copy is to be treated the same as a physical copy. That is, just because you bought your digital copy doesn't mean you can give a copy to all of