
Everything was very bad in Valerian. The script is just so incredibly awkward. Every time its on TV I watch it thinking “well, it was very pretty, so it’ll be fine to have on in the background”, but the dialogue is so awful that it makes me physically uncomfortable. Using “cringe” as a description was literally

Same. I remember thinking it looked ridiculous, but I love going to the movies so I ended up checking it out just because I wanted to see something that day. I ended up liking it way more than I thought I would, and thinking that they did a really poor job of marketing it to highlight the positive aspects of it. I

Glad to see someone else on here recognize that the io9 comments section views of the theater experience are starkly different from the views of the general public. The number of people I’ve spoken to on here over the years who say things like “I have a great surround setup and a huge tv with an amazing couch that

Plenty of vitriol about going to the theaters in the comments section though. It’s pretty absurd to see, especially from the people who are saying “I am vaccinated, but I’m not risking going to the movies with people who are maskless!”

Bingo. There are definitely reasons to be pissed off at people for lying about being vaccinated, and there are even reasons to argue that it is bad public policy to lift mask restrictions without also imposing some kind of way to verify the vaccination status of anyone who goes maskless. But the commenters on io9

Bingo. The vaccination rates are good, the number of cases is plummeting, and the chains are complying with CDC recommendations. I find it interesting to have spent the last year arguing with anti-maskers who claimed the government is full of idiots and we shouldn’t listen to them to now talking to my pro-mask friends

I didn’t realize anyone on here was going to actually discuss the movie as opposed to just how awful even the notion that they would make it is. Bravo to you sir :)

I feel like we’ve jumped the shark a bit if we’re comparing movies about the origins of villains from cartoon movies made mostly for children to a movie that tries to make literally Hitler seem not so bad.

I’m with you 100%. I saw it yesterday and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I didn’t think it was amazing or anything, but it was fun and entertaining, and the long runtime didn’t seem to drag at any point. Emma Stone’s superpower is charisma, and she was consistently great to watch even though her accent

The idea for a prequel looking at why Cruella was Cruella is, on the surface, silly. There’s no need for a prequel for a woman who wants to skin dogs, just like there’s no need for a prequel for the evil fairy from Cinderella.”

That’s kind of like saying “so wait, Ledger isn’t the same as Jack Nicholson? Why even call it a Batman movie if you didn’t want to actually go through with making Bale the Batman of the ACTUAL ‘BATMAN’ movie?”

A good point. A very, very unfortunate one, but a good one nonetheless. Especially considering how much I disliked Joker. 

That shows articles from EVERY gizmodo site in order. I scroll io9 specifically to avoid sifting through all the other stuff gizmodo pushes out. 

Bingo. None of the spin-off/origin story movies have been any good, and even the idea itself is ridiculous. Cruella wants to steal and skin PUPPIES. Why TF would I want to see what she was like before that led her to want to do that? Disney, for the love of god, try and come up with an original idea. You’ve got

I have the same sense about the MCU. No more Iron Man or Captain America movies dampens the enthusiasm somewhat, but it’s really just a sense that a big part of the excitement of the first decade was the knowledge that it was all building towards something, so each movie was an event to see in order to understand the

What I don’t get based on BLMing It’s argument with you is that he’s complaining about how egregious this offer is and claiming its exploitative, but if it’s really such a terrible deal that nobody would care about then...nobody will buy it, so why does he care? Like, if the $5 really is such a miniscule amount, and

I’d say a 33% reduction in price is “significantly cheaper than the paid version.” But if anyone disagrees than they can just pay for the ad free version- after all, based on your own argument, it’s not “significantly” more expensive so you might as well pay the negligible additional cost for it *shrug*

I’m continuously surprised at how many people are upset about PS5 games costing $70 given that the price of video games hasn’t really budged much in decades. With inflation, a $70 game today is the equivalent of roughly a $40 game in 1995, and games were $50-60 back then (IIRC), so we’re still getting a discount

Again, I have no idea how you actually reach those conclusions. You honestly have no idea how Boseman or Hopkins are in real life (I’m assuming of course, but my guess is you’ve never met either of them, let alone been close personal friends with them). You honestly have no idea what it took for Hopkins to get himself

I’m not sure how that metric has anything to do with the quality of the work. Because the guy knew that Anthony Hopkins was an exceptional actor who was the only person who could perform this role in such a mesmerizing fashion, Hopkins performance is somehow less worthy of recognition? Hopkins totally deserved the