
That may be true- but people viewing at home don’t know that. But anyone who even casually cares about the Oscars broadcast knows that the Best Picture award is almost always presented last, so when they heard that Best Actor was being given out last I can totally understand why many of them thought “They must be

The best evidence seems to be that they moved the Best Actor award to the last one of the night. Normally it’s Best Picture because that is obviously the biggest award. Why would the Academy do that for this year if not because they were aware that closing out the ceremony with a posthumous award and a tribute to a

Meh, I’m not really sure what else they were supposed to do though. Tony Stark and The Incredible Hulk are decidedly older characters, so casting older actors makes sense. If you can cast older actors you can choose from a more well established bevy of options. So you can cast a RDJ or Norton for those roles. But if

I don’t think you realize that corporations are a far broader subset of entities than simply international conglomerates whose valuations are in the billions of dollars. Citizens United the organization was a 501(c)(4) non-profit, just like the ACLU, NOW, the Sierra Club, etc. Do you honestly think that the ACLU

Meh, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. It’s a matter of balancing which backlash you think will be worse. If they don’t say anything then people will begin demanding comments and calling them out for “being silent in the face of oppression”, or whatever. So the companies have to decide if it’s better for their

I vaguely recall there being something about how Lex was having them killed in order to get Superman to hate Batman, which is just so unbelievably dumb that I can’t help but applauding it. The Honest Trailer for BvS did an amazing job of listing out just how many INSANELY improbable things absolutely had to happen for

I have no idea why my edits instead posted as a separate comment...

I was able to get through it now that it’s free on HBO Max and I was shocked at just how much stupid it still contains. All the Snyder fanboys had brayed for years about how “UNBELIEVABLE” and “INCREDIBLE” the extended cut was, and how it cleared up all the plot holes from the theatrical cut. But it didn’t. Sure, it

I was able to get through it now that it’s free on HBO Max and I was shocked at just how much stupid it still contains. All the Snyder fanboys had brayed for years about how “UNBELIEVABLE” and “INCREDIBLE” the extended cut was, and how it cleared up all the plot holes from the theatrical cut. But it didn’t. Sure, it

Agreed. It was definitely better in the way that a beef chili is going to be better than a soup that is half beef chili and half tomato gazpacho, but that doesn’t mean that the chili alone is actually GOOD. The Snyder Cut was a mediocre movie at best, and is way worse than mediocre when you realize that it only makes

Its even dumber given that Snyder has spent a considerable amount of screentime in every movie with Superman in it exploring the relationship between Superman/Clark and each of his two fathers, so a title calling him the “son” of the actual sun while examining themes related to his multiple father/son relationships is

I’m legit surprised at the gushing response in the comments. It didn’t look bad by any stretch, but it didn’t look incredible or out of this world. I’d say it looks fully average- my prediction is more in the camp of Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, and Ant-Man as opposed to Iron Man 1, Captain America, or Ragnarok. A

The month gives you more information right off the bat than the day (there are literally twelve “fifteens” in a year, but if you list the month first you get a much more precise narrowing down of the date right away- saying “9" off the bat knows you’re talking about end of summer/early fall, whereas if you say “3"

Spoken like someone who hasn’t seen Can You ever Forgive Me? which literally earned her a VERY deserved Oscar nom for Best Actress.

Her chemistry with Jason Statham was amazing. The fact that she’s doing more crappy movies with her husband rather than a sequel to Spy is depressing. 

1,000%. At this point, the dude has to have some humility and tell her he doesn’t want her to be in his movies anymore- he’s actively ruining her career for his own ego. Maybe the only way he can get his movies greenlit is by guaranteeing she will star in them, but for god’s sake, stop doing this to her. 

Yeah, except this isn’t “both movies mashed into one runtime because he knew he couldn’t make the sequel.” His plan had always been to have the first movie end with Steppenwolf’s defeat and Darkseid set up for the sequel. Everything included in this movie is a part of the story that was being told in this movie’s

It is nice how effectively Into the Darkness unites all moviegoers behind a common cause. That movie was an abomination. 

I can’t stand the first one precisely because of ludicrous (and “Abramsy”) it is. Virtually everything that happens doesn’t happen because it makes a lick of sense but instead happens only because Abrams thought it would be “cool”. Just dumb from start to finish.

I was hoping that the humans would point out to Mechagodzilla that his and Godzilla’s mothers both had the same first name.