
Couldn’t agree more. I thought that in a movie where a gigantic ape battles a humongous laser shooting lizard using an axe that’s powered by radiation drawn from the hollow center of the earth’s reversed gravitational core, the way that the human characters were able to get past low level security in what should have

After seeing that scene the studio should have gone to Joss and said “we done”, knowwhatimsayin’?

That’s the thing about the Snyder cut- it was SUPPOSED to be a movie that would be released in movie theaters. Snyder was never told “hey, do whatever the heck you want”- the studio had always told him he needed to make a blockbuster movie that could be screened in theaters. Sure, that doesn’t necessarily mean “under

He also says that the scene at the beginning of the movie in Africa involved Superman “raining hell upon Black African Muslim characters in the desert” after he sees one of them punching Lois. So yeah, I’m a little bit dubious of the proposition that Snyder had nothing to do with the extremely dark and disturbing

From what I can tell, virtually every Netflix documentary is utter crap when it comes to the science of whatever issues they’re discussing. I have friends that will constantly praise every new nutritional doc on Netflix when even a cursory understanding of nutritional science makes it obvious that whatever agenda its

I haven’t watched it since it came out, but I recall having that sense about virtually everything that was happening in the movie. It all just sort of...happened. Nothing really made sense as to WHY it was happening, it just did, and the movie beat you over the head with what it wanted the audience to think and feel

Lol, it gets better and better :)

LOL, I always love the irony of people who clearly misunderstood the point who proceed to go on insulting tirades about how stupid other people are. You made my morning- thank you pal :)

Ugh, aside from the blatant clickbait, what is the point of bringing up (and then going through in some level of detail) the Star Wars nonsense around Johnson? This is an entirely different movie that is now becoming an entirely different franchise. Knives Out was great and exists on its own terms, with nothing

Do you notice any actual changes in your health status now that your sheets are changed more often? Less respiratory problems or sickness? Fewer asthma attacks or anything?

Bingo. I also love the way these articles throw out numbers to freak folks out without any context. “MILLIONS OF BACTERIA AN HOUR!!” Okay, but aren’t we exposed to millions and millions of bacteria every day as a consequence of being alive? Sure, millions SOUNDS like a lot, but in the context of world literally

Off the top of my head, and without doing any additional thinking about it, I feel confident in saying that Joker and Phoenix’s performance in it were the most overrated movie and acting job of the 2010s.

I haven’t read the book, so I watched season 1 as a total newcomer and all I thought was that it looked good but that was about it. Some of the cast were great, but Shadow Moon was the most boring, bland actor and he brought nothing to a character who was already pretty boring and bland. Combine that with the fact that

Thinking that “Oh, Mulan didn’t do big so no studio should attempt higher prices for first rate movies streaming” seems very short-sighted to me.”

The number of people who can evaluate a situation by saying “well, for my particular situation I would do X, so therefore the economics work out” astounds me. A) Many people go in groups to movies, especially big blockbusters. Those people will watch in groups at home for the same price that people watching alone

Bingo. All the folks who are saying how great it is to be able to see these kinds of movies at home right away seem to be ignoring the fact that without theaters none of these movies get made in the first place. Imagine a world where we don’t get to see movies like Avengers: Endgame ever getting made, but hey, at

I was scrolling through the comments trying to sift through the fawning comments to find someone else that had the same reaction to it that I did. This is just not for me. I’m glad some other people will like it, but there is just way too much effort being put into trying make everything a quotably funny line. Gunn’s

This comment deserves more stars

Have you heard of this thing called “war”?

Hahahahaha, right, because we shouldn’t expect more or better storytelling from our Superhero movies than what we got from the very first successful one more than 40 years ago. Superman was a great movie for it’s time. It would not be a great movie if it came out today. And one of its most glaring and gigantic flaws