
I’m always a little bit perplexed at the complaint that prequels remove the drama and tension because “we know how it ends”. All we really know about her story in this movie is that at a later date in the MCU she dies, but nothing else. In every other MCU movie we never expect the hero to actually die in that movie

That’s the thing about Snyder- I don’t hate his style/aesthetic, I just think it has a VERY limited application. In certain situations, it’s great. I still love 300, and that’s in large part because it is the PERFECT marriage of his style with the actual material. He’s not someone you can bring in to do any type of

As others have mentioned, they kind of set it up with the Supes resurrection scene (IIRC, Barry is running so fast that the Mother Box starts reversing time), but it still felt unearned to me. It’s the ultimate display of his powers, so you’d think that they would have given us more time with his character before he

I was reading an interview with Gerard Butler recently where he talked about working with Snyder on 300, and Snyder genuinely seemed like a super friendly guy who is just very excited about the things he gets to film. I don’t like most of his movies, but as a person he seems like he’s a pretty nice guy that most

Nope. The batcrawler is broken, but Cyborg swoops in and gets it KINDA going. Everyone climbs on top, and he’s struggling to get it climbing, but it stalls out again a third of the way up or so. Cyborg is still struggling to get it working, but then he realizes...something (there’s just a look of an epiphany or

The characters who attended it probably do ;)

Precisely. After IW came out I remember a ton of people (including a fair number of commenters on here) rolling their eyes and saying “yeah yeah, but they’ll just bring everyone back in the next one so none of it matters.” But the point was always that even if they bring back the characters (because, c’mon, it’s not

Especially with the way they prefaced that particular scene with him looking for her name on the memorial and finding his own instead. The scene keeps us in suspense as to whether it’s going hopeful or grimdark, and then it pays off the audience by reinforcing that its a movie about hope rather than death. 

Right? Doesn’t MM have an actual name? I’m not very familiar with him, but introducing himself by his crazy comic book name was just bonkers. Why not introduce yourself with your real name? Does he really want Bruce referring to him as Manhunter or something? 

Oh god, the slow mo. When Lois took like three minutes to walk half a block in the rain at the beginning of the movie I knew we were in for a doozy.

The ONE thing I was hoping we were going to get out of this version was an explanation for how all the heroes got out of the tunnel under Gotham after it started to flood. You show them all in this desperate scenario, Cyborg is trying to get that huge spider tank thing to get them out of there, WW and Flash are

That’s a great idea. You could include a lot of the flashbacks from TLOU Part 2 in a second season and then move onto the actual main game in the third season.

Dr. Fauci (not a politician) literally said the US can and should have 70-85% of the population vaccinated by the end of the summer. That was in January when the assumption was that Biden’s “100 million vaccines in 100 days in office” was still a pretty optimistic goal (a goal which we shattered in nearly half that

I honestly hope they hew as close to the games as possible, and I’m normally someone who thinks that creators should deviate as much as they want from one medium to the next. But TLOU 1 and 2 included some of the most effective, cinematic style storytelling I’ve seen in years (maybe ever- they were both unbelievably

#1 was such an insane scene. She just exploded this man right in front of all these children, all of whom were also nearly murdered by said man and his minions, but after the whole side of the building blows up most of the hostages are just kind of smiling and looking around at each other as if to say “wow, close one,

Why stop there? Release a version where Batman gets a re-skin to be dressed like Tofu from that Resident Evil bonus episode. And then another version where Lois is actually played by a CGI Margot Kidder. The sky is the limit! 

No. Please god no. Enough of hollywood is focused on remaking movies we’ve already seen- the last thing we need is for a whole subgenre of re-edited versions of bad movies being released upon the world. ZSJL is better than the theatrical version, but it is a horrible precedent to set. Make good movies. If you fail in

Interesting take. Glad you shared the link. Keep the shameless self-plugs coming :)

Why is that? Based on current predictions, the overwhelming majority of the population will be vaccinated by the end of May/June. Not only that, but we should have the 65 and older population vaccinated before then, and that’s the population that we really have to actually be worried. Once they’re vaccinated then the

Watching that scene, doing the movie in black and white adds precisely nothing to the experience. It’s objectively worse. And “justice is grey”? What the what? What does that even mean in this context? There’s nothing “grey” about the morality in this movie- the good guys are objectively good, and fighting bad guys