
Except that the truck didn’t hit her. She hit the very back of the truck. The trucks momentum doesn’t slam into her, she grazes the back of the truck as it’s moving perpendicular/away from her, and prior to doing that she’s literally ROLLING into the intersection while looking over her shoulder, and then she SLAMS on

It’s the door. I just went and checked.

That’s a really good point about MoS that I’d never noticed before. The action sequences in that movie work (IMHO) really well, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that it’s at actual speed- Superman fighting the other kryptonians FEELS visceral and intense, and a lot of that is that we’re seeing them flash all

Bingo. And Marvel has shown that you can introduce characters in big team up movies and have them play meaningful roles without needing to give them a full expository back story. Black Panther in Civil War is a new character in the MCU, but they establish his character, show his motivations, give him plenty to do, and

I raised that point above! It makes no sense. She’s literally parked like 20 feet away from the intersection. The truck driver isn’t paying attention, sure, but he’s not FLYING through the small town at 90 MPH- he’s slowly driving down a small city street at like 25 MPH without paying attention. And yet somehow the

With the excessive slow mo, I literally went to the kitchen at one point and when I came back the movie was still showing the exact slow mo sequences that had been playing out when I left. 2 seconds of real time footage had dragged out for like 45 seconds of screen time with nothing else happening in between. It was

I feel like showing this scene at regular speed would’ve worked so much better for the movie as a whole. We first get introduced to Barry as a socially awkward interviewee and then get this car accident where something crazy happens to save this woman, and we see Barry disappear for a split second and reappear in a

I’ve tried making this point to Snyder Fanboys and the refuse to listen to it. There’s literally no reason for Superman to actually engage in the fight with Batman- it would be one thing if the movie showed us that Superman actually WANTED to kill him or something, but instead it shows us that he clearly does NOT want

Which was shockingly stupid. I’m amazed at the number of internet fanboys who are freaking out over how “awesome” the scene with Leto’s joker was. It was so needlessly tacked on full of stupidly unnecessary exposition (that was clearly meant to sound “deep” and “important”, just like all of Snyder’s masturbatory

IIRC, the glass he runs through IS the door- he just breaks it cause he doesn’t have time to open it (and throwing it open at super speed probably would’ve shattered all the glass anyways). Now, as for why his shoes explode off his feet yet his other clothes don’t (why doesn’t the speed force also wrap around his feet

Oh god, I’d forgotten just how insanely incongruent all the musical choices were. There were so many moments where some song would start playing and I’d literally mumble “WTF?” under my breath. And why did they add that distracting background wailing to the Amazons/WW theme songs? I assume Snyder thinks that sounds


The laptop in the provided link has a 2060 graphics card, not a 1060. 

The laptop in the provided link has a 2060 graphics card, not a 1060. 

I think we agree on how people would respond to the events of the first two movies, so maybe we just have a slightly different view on how the film actually portrays the city’s residents as a whole. I think the movie is consistent with the framing you’re providing.

My biggest issue with how realistic taking over all of Gotham was is with how widespread all their actions were before revealing themselves. I mean, they wired every bridge to blow, got ALL the cops trapped in the tunnels (really? What about all the cops who literally weren’t working a shift at that time? It’s not

Presumably we both read THIS review though, right ;)?

Regarding Batman- I live in DC. It’s been nearly 20 years since the DC Sniper terrorized the area, but folks here DEFINITELY still remember that entire experience and what it was like. And that was way less monumental than a group of terrorists taking over the whole city and trying to use the transit system to turn

That MCU comparison is perfect. Doesn’t Vision even comment on that in Civil War? Talking about how as Earth’s heroes have emerged the scale of the threats they face has increased, and maybe they should take that into account?

What do you mean? Virtually every review says that it adds tons of stuff to flesh out almost all of the characters. Heck, this review points out that even Steppenwolf gets an arc. I’m not optimistic about this being a good film, but your argument requires ignoring what virtually every critic has actually said about it

It is a little bizarre to see people being so dead set on hating a movie they haven’t even seen. I’m not optimistic about it (I thought BvS was atrocious, and all the Snyder parts of the theatrical version of JL were pretty terrible), but I also don’t think there is any way that it’s not going to at least be better