
This article seems like an odd place to voice this complaint. It’s the literal review of the actual film right before its release. I get being a little fed up with the coverage of maybe some lesser aspects (like maybe when Snyder released that weird metallic trailer where it was just all the heroes in chromatic poses

One thing I’ve never understood was this notion that it’s Superman’s death that triggers the invasion. I mean, I get that they’re saying that Earth is vulnerable without it’s greatest hero, but then the story hinges on revenge for a thwarted invasion from literally thousands of years ago. Superman has only been alive

Agreed. TDKR always feels to me like a movie that had a rushed production schedule, even though it didn’t. Everytime I watch it I think how great each element has the potential to be, but it feels like Nolan just ran out of time to edit it all together in a cohesive way so it just doesn’t work as well as it could

The parts of the brain that cause people to instinctively root for things they enjoy don’t differentiate between situations where the rooting is necessary to further some social goal and when the social goal is already achieved and the fandom is no longer necessary to achieve some outcome. Pointing out it’s already

Which only highlights how stupidly the American box office is calculated.”

Because they like the movies...? Honestly, this is like saying “I don’t get why people cheer when one incredibly highly paid millionaire athlete wins over another one in the Super Bowl”. I don’t think ANYONE is saying “YAY DISNEY! KICK ASS FOR YOUR SHAREHOLDERS!” But they do love the Avengers movies because of all the

What’s especially bizarre is that Lizardo is going off on this in an entirely evidence free way while claiming your firsthand experience is a “terrible argument” when all you did was present it to demonstrate how seriously things were being taken over there. He hasn’t presented any actual evidence for why the numbers

Or just incorporate that scene into his speech about the snappening. I don’t remember the specifics, but I vaguely recall him talking about the experience when he’s lecturing Monica about something in one of the middle episodes. Have him keep talking in voiceover as you cut to a scene of him witnessing the destruction

Precisely. Which is a shame because that’s a MUCH more interesting story to watch. It’s a complicated scenario with multiple different ways for things to have played out. Having a good person who is proposing (what the show clearly wants us to come away agreeing was) the wrong solution for the right reasons is far

Agreed. There is no reasonable way to look at Heyward’s stance in the first 5 or 6 episodes and think he’s anything other than right- he’s dealing with a superpowered villain the likes of which barely anyone has ever encountered who is enslaving apparently hundreds (thousands?) of people and who seemingly has no

Agreed. I pretty much hated all the SWORD nonsense that happened. It fell victim to the generic Marvel storytelling (in the worst possible way) where the bad guys are clearly bad, the good guys are clearly good, and the problems are quickly and absurdly resolved via either a) punching someone (see the scene where

Remy would like a word.

I love these kinds of responses. It’s the classic internet meme of “if I say I like oranges some idiot will show up and criticize me for saying that apples stink and that I’m a monster for telling people they shouldn’t eat bananas.” Great job.

Sure, but there’s a difference between “don’t behave like this lecherous pervert because if you do you won’t actually be able to sleep with the women you’re perving on” and “don’t behave like this lecherous pervert because it’s disgusting and despicable on its own terms, and women shouldn’t be subjected to such

Maybe a bit of an exaggeration. But I did find her distractingly bad in the last two episodes, to the point where she pulled me out of the scenes she was in. 

I don’t care how much trauma a person’s gone thru that’s some evil shit.”

I like the theory that Bohner is actually Woo’s contact and that he’s actually in the witness protection program or something. Given his character in the X-universe, that would be the kind of name he could’ve chosen for himself when he went into hiding, and he did laugh at “boner” in the episode. Not sure that will

Strong disagree. She was great in the comedic bits for the first 7 episodes, but as Agatha I thought she was horrendous. She made every scene she was in in the last 2 episodes appreciably worse. 

I didn’t watch it with all the background conspiracy theories that people were lobbing around on the internet in my mind, so I think all-in-all it was a pretty good show. One major gripe though is the actress who played Agatha- Kathryn Hahn does the comedic bits well, which isn’t surprising given that that’s her

Lol, so you actually agree then. That’s like saying “disagree about Sophie. She’s such a good mom that she would’ve just chosen both kids and found a way to make it work.”