
Holy f*cking hell, you realize I was RESPONDING to the specific claims of someone else, right?

That’s kinda like saying “well, we could talk about how the current immigration conversation in this country lacks nuance and ignores the real world dynamics that create a variety of friction points between the positive and negative externalities of widespread migrant patterns between various countries in North and

That was the one thing that had me excited about Terminator: Salvation- the fact that it was actually trying to tell a story wholly divorced from the whole “someone is sent back in time to protect someone in the present from someone else who was also sent back in time” premise that we’ve now seen a half a dozen times.

I agree with a lot of that (never said it was perfect, just that it’s better than the MCU versions), but it remains by far the most critically acclaimed Spiderman movie that doesn’t star Miles Morales. Having said that, how about a compromise and we both agree that Into the Spiderverse is actually the best Spiderman

It’s about making money. Sony’s Spidey movies have all made money. Venom made a gargantuan sum of money based on that character’s name recognition, the subject matter (a comic book anti-hero that literally eats people isn’t exactly fun for the whole family that can pull in audiences from every demographic), and the

Bingo. There’s a huge difference between “these people are idiots for making these decisions that I don’t like” and “these people are taking into accounts factors that I wish weren’t the deciding factors”. Sony doesn’t give a shit that people in the comments of io9 are blasting their thought processes. They’re not

Eh, Homecoming made $880 million worldwide and Thor: Ragnarok made $854 million to Venom’s $856. It would sit right between the 11th and 12th highest grossing MCU movies out of the 22 that have been released if you added it to the tally, and the only two origin stories that are higher are Captain Marvel and Black

Agreed. He’s not Chris Evans of Chris Hemsworth or RDJ Jr. where you literally cannot picture anyone else playing the part. Holland has been just fine in two Spider-Man movies that were themselves just fine (the fact that people seem to think that Homecoming or Far From Home are somehow the best Spidey films when

Agreed. He should have gone the way of all the other iconic yet totally forgotten characters, like Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Hercules, James Bond, and countless others who we all agreed decades ago had had enough movies and stories told about them.

That’s a good tip, I’ll try it! Thanks!

I’ve only played Vader Episode 1, so I couldn’t say (didn’t even realize there were other episodes until I read the other reply to your comment lol).

On its own the OQ2 can’t support it, but you can tether the headset to a sufficiently powerful gaming rig to play. 

How old is your kiddo? I have nieces and nephews who I’ll be visiting this weekend (before the Covid Virtue Signal brigade swoops in, don’t worry- we’ve all been quarantining to ensure we can safely get together, and we all got tested within the last 24 hours), and was considering bringing my OQ2 along to let them try

I’m in the same boat as you- bought it because it wasn’t too expensive and I was curious, and I’ve been loving it. It’s not quite the replacement for regular gaming (I’ve been playing TLOU: Part 2 at the same time, and that’s a far more engaging experience IMHO), but as its own thing it’s totally worth it. I played

I love that they actually explained what a birthmark is. “He was born with it.” Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

The Sopranos finale (particularly the last five minutes) is the greatest finale in television history. Come at me.

Your comment is reasonable and factually based, and also points out a fairly obvious error in the rant that Drew wrote (which is ironic, given that the reason Drew included that tidbit was to attack BS for misleading his audience). All of which is just to say that there is a reason your comment only has 2 likes

It’s not just you. The irrational vitriol about this take is bizarre. It’s like the lady that leaked that coke video of Chris Foerster claiming she did it to expose white privilege. It’s just an absurd justification.

Not really, which is why it’s so bizarre to see people attacking him in nonsensical fashion. It’s like making up things to hate Trump about- the guy gives you an overwhelming number of legitimate things to criticize, just hit him for those things instead of coming up with fallacious rationales for insulting him.

Whoa whoa whoa, duuuudde. If ancient people’s found mammoths then why’d they call them giants instead of mammoths? And you say dinosaurs are dragons, but the word dragon has been around forever man, so if they’d seen dinosaurs back then they wouldn’t have had to invent that word 150 years ago.