
That’s fine. There’s no reason why they have to agree that the things he claims are important are. What’s your point?

“Yes, but Kylo is an adequate threat for plot purposes.”

I don’t understand what’s going on here. You’re consuming calories (440 according to the article). That’s nearly 50% MORE than an egg mcmuffin at McDonalds. OF COURSE your hunger will die down if you consume lots of calories. I don’t see how that’s fasting though, anymore than if you stopped by mcondalds and ate a

Sure, but he also provides argumentation for why certain aspects are non-essential. He argues that the Brady pissed off anecdote is an annual occurrence. He points out that some of the things that the author spent a lot of time on were things that have been widely reported elsewhere, some of it going back years. He’s

Sure, but it’s oddly inconsistent with the very point that Ley JUST presented. He says Simmons is denying the reporting solely because he doesn’t believe it could be true, then provides a quote that actually provides direct evidence to back up Simmons claim that Kraft didn’t do those things. It’s an odd about face

No he’s not. I just read it. He’s complaining that the article didn’t fully flesh out the actual arguments it presented. I didn’t see anything in there making a Trumpian style “anonymous sources are evil!” argument.

Eh, he’s not really saying that at all. He’s saying that it’s hard to tell if the essential aspects are accurate because the article glosses over them too quickly, without laying a proper foundation. And the reason why it had to do that was because it was making space to talk about less essential aspects. The article

I also don’t understand the “fuck you” over Simmons reporting that he knew someone with firsthand knowledge of Bob Kraft, and that Kraft disagreed with the story. I mean, the name-droppy way that he says it is a little obnoxious, but if he had written “a source close to the owner stated that Kraft disavowed crucial

Your argument is entirely consistent with what I’ve been saying. I’m not sure what aspect of my initial point you’re disagreeing with?

Exactly. The likelihood that the people who make secretagentman’s claims are completely unaware that someone close to them (either colleagues, friends, family, etc.) is struggling with some crippling personal problem is about 100%, but they’re too oblivious to realize it. They then turn around and attack other people

Yes, but the problem with your argument is that in the real world the fallout of this is a government that is actively failing. The threat posed by the First Order and Ren is that they’ll succeed at stuff- they’ll wipe out Rey and the heroes, control the galaxy, blah blah blah. The US’s increasingly incompetent

Which I still think is just odd. If I am walking around downtown with a friend and every step I took was crunching on the salt (I’m in DC, so the sidewalks are covered in that thick salt) and my friends feet weren’t making that sound, I’d notice. And the fact that Luke just brushes off the blaster shots was cool and

I mean, I agree with the message, but he gave them hope by showing up and waving around a lightsaber. “What can one person with a laser sword do?” is an odd message given that he showed up to pretend to use a laser sword to save the rebellion. I’m not really sure why his pretending to actually do something via a

“But Ren is so pissed off seeing him there he doesn’t even stop to think “That’s not Luke.” And falls for the mind trick hook line and sinker.”

When Rey mentions the Dark Side of the Force being present on the island Luke literally says that’s the balance- “powerful light/powerful dark”.

A) Good lord man. You post a comment that literally ONLY says “what you said was dumb” and then flip out because I had a little fun with your spelling? Calm down.

I never understand people with this reaction. No matter how many times this sort of thing happens people will still jump in to judge the actions of people in a situation that they have no actual knowledge of. I struggled with alcohol abuse for a decade. Virtually nobody had any idea how bad it was. It’s remarkably

I’m not sure if you’re reading comprehension is as bad as your spelling or what. I don’t see how her being born with the ability to use the force is in any way relevant to a single thing I said in the first paragraph.

That is LITERALLY addressing your argument. I literally said it was like “[this] kind of argumentation”, right after calling it a slippery slope argument. Saying “it’s a slippery slope” and then saying “like this kind of a slippery slope” could not be more directed at the argument rather than the person. I’m not sure

Rebuttal the first: Where do you get that notion? I don’t recall them saying anything about the Force finding a Champion of the Light to challenge Kylo Ren because Ren was perverting the force...? If the dark is as natural as the light (which is what Luke says- “powerful light/powerful dark”) then the mere existence