
Eh, it’s not just from Snoke though. Luke talks about powerful light being balanced by powerful dark as well. I took Snoke’s speech to be consistent with the lesson about the Force that seemed to be running through the whole movie, so I don’t think it was meant to be him just spouting nonsense.

In that case, why wasn’t the Force pushing forth dark side force champions to challenge the Jedi for all those thousands of years they were in control? And if it’s really about “balance” then shouldn’t all the dark side force users been incredibly overpowered badasses? I mean, if the Force balances light and dark, and

“Part of why the mystery of Rey’s parentage blew up the way it did was out of an assumption that she must be related to someone important—otherwise, surely, how can she be so strong in the Force, right?”

I assume you meant to say that Rey is played by Robert Pattinson in The Rover?

“Hell, I used to give my kinect a little penis wiggle whenever I came into my room after a shower just on the impossibly minuscule chance someone WAS watching”

PS- it should be “e.g. bacon” not i.e.

It says they’ve shrunk the charging bases to nondescript panels, so I wonder if you could design these to have solar panels on one side and the charging panel on the other. Stick it on a window and it spends all day soaking up power and beaming it around the room. The power output would be tiny, but if you’re just

Tough to get through the shell with that method though. I recommend softening the shell in boiling water first- 7 minutes or so per pound should be plenty.

Ahh, the simplistic vegetarian viewpoint. It’s been so long since I was a freshman in college I had forgotten that people still operated on such a surface level when advocating their policies. Cheers to you for bringing back some hilarious memories :)

Bingo. That is exactly my view on the issue. For things like financial records, identity theft, etc., then I totally get people being worried about security. But for these kinds of products people are constantly shouting about how worried they are that someone will just randomly listen in on them during their

Thanks for that. I think you raise some interesting points, but at the end the day I do the risk/reward calculation differently. I see the potential, eventual harms you’re concerned about, but I don’t think the developments raised by this article make us more or less likely to enter that somewhat-dystopian future, and

Calm down there pal. I was literally nodding along to your response, thinking “that’s fine. It’s obviously an individual cost/benefit analysis we all go through.” Then your last paragraph goes full ad hominem for no apparent reason. Feel free to buy whatever you would like to buy. I don’t plan on buying a talking

“Because our right to Privacy is being shaved off little by little. That’s why.”

So wait...we should be worried about Alex, et al, because the people who can hack those devices could also hack your network? I mean, sure, but then why have ANY piece of technology that can be hacked? Or, put up better safeguards for the devices you’re worried about. That just seems like a very stretched slippery do sound paranoid ;)

Agreed. The author made it sound like NYC has been making “financial contributions” to big oil, but now the spigot is going to be turned off. Really, all that’s happening is that NYC is selling it’s shares in fossil fuel companies. Someone else will buy them, and big oil will be in the same boat. Assuming that this

For a tech blog, the writers on this site sure spend a lot of time complaining about every new piece of technology.

Outside of individuals privy to trade secrets, top secret/classified information, etc., why should we care? I am perplexed at people who are horrified at the prospect that someone might hack into their devices to listen to them when they’re at home at night. Whoever does that is a) in for a really boring time, and b)

For the record, I am (unfortunately) a Skins fan. This is just an absurd hindsight bias argument. Yes, it didn’t work. No, that doesn’t mean it was pure idiocy at the time. And right, Butler did just what any other player would have done. Totally routine play. Sure thing.

“If you have a 3-2 count on a hitter and you throw a 102 mph fastball, the next pitch is going to be a fastball.”