

But he grabbed the ball after he fumbled it. Sure, he grabbed it weakly, but the Titans’ player had to rip it out of his hands to gain possession. At most, that looks like a fumble that is recovered by Kelce, who is then immediately down by contact. So reviewing it likely doesn’t change anything at all.

That was a fumble, but Kelce put his hands back around the ball while he was still on the ground. Why wouldn’t that be a fumble that was immediately recovered by Kelce who was then down by contact?

It’s one thing to blow the fumble call (which, IMHO, was a terrible blown call- it was CLEARLY out), but it’s incomprehensible to me to have called it forward progress. Mariota got SLAMMED straight into the ground by the hit. As soon as the guy touched him he started falling down. If you’re going to say that’s forward

Holy cow, people on here acting like he replaced crack with ecstasy. A tootsie pop has 60 calories and 11 grams of sugar folks. That will neither cause obesity nor lead to a “sugar addiction”, as evidenced by the fact that he says he stopped with the lollipops after a while (but that’s at the end of the article, which

Yeah, tell me about it! Tootsie pops are so terrible. I couldn’t find the equivalent CDC webpage on Tootsie deaths, but that’s probably because I can’t internet very well. I mean, the only reason to stop engaging in potentially deadly behaviors is if you can 180 degrees in the opposite direction and become a total

Careful. Deadspin commenters don’t appreciate people criticizing their gods.

You can set your watch by some of the comments on deadspin ;)

That’s the most Swedish laugh I’ve ever heard.

I don’t think you’re saying anything more than disagreeing with the call, but I have seen people going at you pretty hard for some extraneous stuff. Personally, I don’t think it’s even all that close, which is why when I was at the game I saw the refs only needing to review the replay about 3 times before tossing him

“he’s just a shitty basketball player trying make a play and failing”

It was unnecessary and excessive contact. It was practically the definition of a flagrant 2. He went up high with both arms to clothesline a guy to the ground. I’m not even sure how this is a very close call. He doesn’t deserve a suspension or anything, but the ejection itself was a pretty easy call. The refs didn’t

That’s the worst attempt at just wrapping up a guy I’ve seen in an awfully long time. Sure, MAYBE he didn’t intend to just clotheslines Beal across the face, but if you’re that out of position and therefore have no actual ability to wrap him up then you need to just let him go by.

I feel like OP must have only watched the slow-mo replays before commenting. I was at the game and saw it happen live. At fully speed it’s clear that Dellavadickhead demolished him. The ejection was fully warranted.

That’s some quality officiating right there. The guy with the ball gets an elbow straight to the dome and it’s just “play on”.

That’s fair, but I would point out I wasn’t the one that compared the two- NFL research and Ley did, and I merely pointed out that their conclusions sure seem dubious if you do anything other than just say “oh man, Gibbs won less than 50% of his games.” I am not purporting to know whether or not Gruden will succeed (I

Those returning coach stats are pretty pointless if you don’t provide context. Vermeil’s record is heavily effected by starting with terrible teams for his first two years back before leading the Rams to a Super Bowl win. Joe Gibbs record wasn’t great, but NOBODY has done anything with the Skins since Snyder took over

In which case, Alexa is making us less lazy and more industrious ;)

How lazy have we gotten that we no longer start our own fires to heat up the corn to pop in the first place? I’m not really sure how “alexa, pop the popcorn” is somehow a sign of increasing laziness from “press popcorn button”, as opposed to simply altering the way we go about being lazy.

Holy shit, what is with these nonsense friggin’ articles? “Your kid is going to blow up your neighborhood making spaghetti-Os with Alexa!!!” Your kid can already put metal in the microwave and mash buttons. The fact houses aren’t blowing up all the time is pretty good evidence of the stupidity of this example. “Your