
For all of Deadspin’s bitching and moaning, they sure do get a shit-ton of traction out of ESPN milking Lavar for quotes. It reminds me of the schism between their “the NFL needs to care more about players brains!” and “look at this awesome hit!” articles.

Sooooo...ESPN isn’t a paragon of journalistic virtue? Most of what they bitch and moan about is meaningless nonsense? Good to know!

And, like I’ve said elsewhere, this “horrible, no-good, worst play call in the history of history that was designed just to screw over Seahawks fans and kill puppies” literally would have been a Super Bowl winning touchdown if not for one of the single greatest defensive plays in NFL history. It was a fine play. Tip

“And in my case, it’s not really hindsight, because I both predicted a pass and a slant and an incompletion to the people watching with me.”

And absent one of the greatest defensive plays in Super Bowl history it would have ended up being a Championship winning play call. C’mon man, you can do this with any play that doesn’t go your way ever. It was only because one player on the Patriots correctly predicted what they were doing and made an outrageously

Or Lynch runs and gets stuffed, they have to use their last timeout, and then New England just sits back in coverage on 3rd and 4th and easily shuts down Seattle and everyone bitches about the predictable play calling. The decision to throw was perfectly rational- it was just a poor decision on Wilson’s part and a

I will never understand people criticizing the decision to use one down to try and throw for a TD. People get so hung up on how it actually went down that they refuse to look at the analysis that went into the decision. It’s second down, so you assume if this play doesn’t work you’ll have at least two more shots at

I feel like for most people even asking the question is a sign. I haven’t drank in a decade, but I remember constantly having to defend my drinking habit to myself and others. I could always come up with arguments for why it wasn’t really an issue, when what I should have done was realize that the fact that I (and

As someone who quit drinking nearly a decade ago because he DEFINITELY had a problem, it seems to me that if you think you may have a drinking problem then you probably do. There are lots of people who definitely have problems who think their drinking is just fine, but if you’re someone who has this sensation in the

That man’s name?

“That’s wishful thinking on your part. If the costs are equal, automation wins. Robots don’t get sick, don’t have mandated breaks, don’t make mistakes, don’t take vacation, don’t sleep, etc. You have to take ALL of that into account before you look at the per hour cost.”

“...except they have always been looking to replace workers with machines.”  

Wait...we should all stop using snapchat because Jacob has more instragram followers than snapchat followers? I’m confused. I’ve never used Instagram stories, and I use snapchat far more often just to message back and forth with individuals. It works just fine for me. Is there an actual reason to stop using the app,

I feel ya. My golden passed away last year. They’re the best. Derby was a good boy.

He was a good boy :*(

This is obviously stupid and overpriced. But having spent 45 minutes last night folding laundry, if someone showed up at my front door and gave me one of these for free I would ecstatic :)

I’m beginning to wonder if Google is one of the primary advertisers on this site. Lifehacker publishes non-stop hit pieces on Amazon’s devices, and promotes Google products by actively bashing Echos in the title itself. It’s utterly bizarre how frequently they go out of their way to attack Echos, and then ignore the

I had the same reaction. Arguing that high BBB ratings can be bought doesn’t do anything to address why a company has a low BBB rating. Redford didn’t provide any argument (let alone evidence) for why we should think that Big Baller Brand isn’t providing shitty customer service for a shitty product. He just raised a

So your article makes a good argument that you shouldn’t completely trust a company’s high BBB rating, but why should we doubt the F rating given to BBB? It sounds like you might be able to buy your way out of a low rating, but the actual experiences the BBB is reporting about BBB seem legit. Given that the whole

Anybody else have the bad luck to catch PTI today and hear Wilbon laying into the concussion protocol because it PROTECTS players? He was ranting and raving about how the league should never, EVER force a star player to sit out a big game. Literally said the concussion protocol shouldn’t apply to the 4th quarter of