

Exactly. The star wars movies we have seen have not been genre redefining risks. They’ve been blatant corporately produced studio films that are designed to maximize profits. And there’s nothing wrong with that! But people should stop pretending that there is something daring or risky about the star wars franchise.

He’s not saying that it’s wasting money to hire them. He’s saying their inexperience costs millions down the road. That’s the reason he brings up the reshoots- the fact that you have to bring in people to shoot millions of dollars of reshot footage because the director didn’t nail it on the original takes. I’m not

I can’t stand him. The worst thing an announcer can do is detract from the game, and I’ll actively avoid any game he’s calling. He’s impossible to ignore, and his freakouts distract from the things he’s freaking out about. He’s by far my least favorite announcer.

Cool! I’d love to explore all of this stuff. Too bad I suck ass at this game and can’t get past the regular enemies, let alone the bosses. I guess I finally understand the appeal of Twitch style services :)

Definitely this. I’m kicking myself for not doing a better job of holding onto my old systems from the 90s. I just left at them at my folks place, and eventually they were trashed/given away/who knows. When the SNES classic was released I was kicking myself for not being able to just pull out my old copy of FFIII.

Given that Bono seems to be saying that TODAY there aren’t any rock bands that are actually expressing the rage at the core of rock and roll, I’m not sure you’re doing your argument any favors by pointing to a litany of bands that all came out at least 25 years ago.

“but people reacting (audibly) to cool moments in a movie is part of the theater experience, IMO.”

The solution to this problem always seems so obvious that it’s somehow overlooked- MAKE BETTER MOVIES!!! Look at Wonder Woman- a good-but-not-otherworldly opening turns into an $821 million global cume because the people who saw it told their friends it was great. TLJ is going to make a boatload of cash. I think the

Sounds like the same argument I would hear from people who defended Jeter’s defensive skills. I knew A TON of people who thought Jeter was an all time great defensive player, and that was largely due to the fact that they could remember him making great throws while leaping backwards into the outfield, or the cut-off

I’m wondering why Emma went to all this trouble of laying out this argument given that her very first sentence says even talking about this is stupid. Either admit that you think this stuff matters, or actually listen to yourself and shrug off the stupidity of others.

Yeah, bitcoin was a terrible idea for the whole year. Sure, it’s only gone up in value 1,500% in 2017, but it would have DEFINITELY been dumb to have bought some 12 months ago. Whatever you say.

The outrage that story generated was fucking absurd. I used to work on the line at a Boston Market, and I can tell you I NEVER, not a SINGLE TIME, cared that someone asked me to do anything different with their food. It was literally my job to scoop shit into stuff. If you are eating there but want your sides in to go

Eh, true, but show me a definition that won’t result in ambiguous calls that could go either way. I’ve seen people arguing for going back to the old catch rules, which ignores the fact that people argued ALL THE TIME about what was a catch under those rules. The game is never black/white, cut/dry. There will ALWAYS be

Lol, sure, whatever you say :)

Ditto. I’ve got cheeses that are lasting MONTHS longer than expected because of vacuum sealing. I never thought to use it for lettuce though. Has anyone used theirs for fruits and veggies? I’ve got some strawberries that I’m worried will turn south before I get to them, but I’m worried that vacuum sealing them would

Ditto. I’ve got cheeses that are lasting MONTHS longer than expected because of vacuum sealing. I never thought to

Based off of that interpretation, I’m not sure he can say anything in response to the reporters questions that you wouldn’t view through confirmation bias. He said he was fouled, and then moved on. If not actually complaining is also evidence that he’s complaining then it really doesn’t matter what he says- he’s

What do you mean “for whine about no-calls is pretty outrageous”? Lebron said he got fouled twice (objectively true), but then said he can’t change it so whatever. Lebron can definitely complain and whine in the moment with the best of them, but in this instance he didn’t seem to do anything of the sort. I’ve

Each of the non-calls resulted in immediate turnovers that gave the Warriors the ball. I agree with the principle of what you’re saying, but don’t see how it applies to a circumstance where it obviously affected the play, and those results were turnovers that took away the Cavs chance to stay in the game.

I am enjoying the tortured logic in these comments. “Obi-Wan fought like this in ANH because he was always a defensive fighter!” “Vader didn’t crush him using the powers and agility we saw in Rogue One because he was intimidated and scared of Obi Wan!’ Etc. etc. etc. Maybe, just maybe, the fight in ANH went down the