
That is exactly how I view it. I don’t pay much attention to the NBA until Xmas every year. The games are always showcasing the best teams, and I’ve got all day to watch. It’s one of the best matches of the year between sports and a holiday.

Have you seen the movie yet?

You may be right, but “Project Jack the Ripper” (or something along those lines) would make more sense to me for that interpretation. I took it as meaning that their plan may hurt, but that they’ll heal and be back.

I am equally perplexed at gawker’s articles on bitcoin. Heck, just look at the image they used. They found that a quick snapshot of the price over the past week could make it look bad, so they used that. There’s no way way the would have used the 1 month, 3M, 6M, or 12M price because that would have shown it going up

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why people take bitcoin so personally. People on here calling each other assholes for having a different opinion on what to do about it. It’s insane. It’s a standard risk/reward calculation. There are good reasons to buy bitcoin, and good reasons not to. It’s simply a matter of

Your comment wasn’t worth the google search to find one.

I completely agree. But the potential payoff is enough to get plenty of lawyers to file suits. Just imagine the payoff they can run off with if they win a settlement that is a) large in the aggregate, b) tiny for Apple (essentially “go away and stop bothering us” money), and c) insignificant for each individual iPhone

Is there a way to insert an eye roll emoji into kinja comments?

This ChrisMSF guy is giving me the same treatment- misreading what I said, attacking me for it, and then when I pointed out he’s attacking some argument I never actually said he calls me a stupid asshole for it. Dude really is just a jackass. I recommend ignoring him.

Good lord dude. I’ll say it again. Reread my original comment. You’re not only misreading what I said, but you’re being a dick about it. Calm the fuck down.

I don’t, and I literally said in my original comment that I have no interest in buying into bitcoin. Funny that you’re telling me what I’m missing when you’re not reading the explicit words I typed out. Reread my original comment. It has nothing to do with supporting or attacking bitcoin. Instead, I was pointing out

This literally has nothing to do with my comment.

“I just can’t get past how stupid the entire idea of a bomber is in a story in which torpedoes and energy canons exist.”

That’s like saying “Trump is doing great because the stock market is up and unemployment is low!” Context matters. I’ve never really had someone actually argue that context and nuance don’t matter. That’s such a simplistic and silly argument that I don’t even really know where to begin correcting it.

I’ve had to fight with my mom the past two years about Xmas lists. We do secret santa, but my Mom organizes it, so she insists on everyone sending her a list as a way for her to control even more things around the holiday. We put a hard cap of $75 on the gift, so I told my Mom I think sending out a list is absurd.

Eh, I’d say anyone buying into it over the past few months is well aware that it’s not a viable currency. Nobody is really buying into at these prices for that purpose. Anyone that bought it as an actual currency did so a long time ago. Given how huge the increase in price has been over the past 6-12 months, if those

What’re you talking about “down 41% for the month”? Bitcoin was trading around $10,500 on December 1. It dropped down around $11,000 earlier today (which is still UP for the month), and it’s back to $13,000 plus as of now. If you want to go a full month back, it was trading around $8,000 on November 22nd.

Certainly possible, but he claims that the fraud is only costing him a few thousand dollars. There’s kind of a sweet spot where plaintiffs will have trouble bringing claims and finding lawyers- the claim needs to be significant enough for the bank to go through the full litigation process (remember, the bank pays

Eh, he says the contract fraud is going to cost him a few thousand dollars. That’s small enough to file suit in small claims court. He wouldn’t need a lawyer to bring that suit. If he did (or if he wanted one), he could likely find a lawyer relatively cheaply for a small suit such as that- if he really can’t afford

What’s preventing you from filing suit against Wells Fargo?