
That entire comment doesn’t address my point in any way. I wasn’t saying that they should NOT be vastly outnumbered. It makes for greater drama and raises the stakes when the odds seem insurmountable. But just because that allows for a greater sense of anxiety in the audience doesn’t mean it’s good military tactics.

Can you imagine how quickly a resistance would collapse if it actually operated the way this one does? “Sure, he’s demonstrated TERRIBLE tactical judgment, and yeah, he’s gotten about 90% of our forces obliterated due solely to his own incompetence, and true, he staged a mutiny against his commanding officer simply

Because small, outnumbered, and outgunned forces can’t engage in full frontal assaults on their enemies. There’s a reason why American soldiers described the Vietcong as ghosts- they knew that there was no way they could engage in straight up battles with US forces because they’d risk too much. The First Order could

Cinemascore? The rating systems that asks fans who saw it on opening night what they thought? The same fans who were so excited for a Star Wars movie that they must have bought their tickets weeks in advance to get seats before it sold out? The same rating system that gave all the prequels (the widely reviled and

“Plus the fact it is when you break it down a remake of ESB/ROTJ.”

There are TONS of reasons why Luke wouldn’t be able to give Rey the third lesson. I’m not sure why you’re so deadset on saying that the title necessarily implies that Luke dies. She could have not gotten the lesson because Luke dies, or she dies, or one of them leaves, or the First Order attacks the island and they

Yeah, that was an odd line to me. He told Ren that if Ren struck him down in anger then Luke would always be with him. That didn’t happen, so it was a bizarre threat if Luke is going to haunt him anyways. But when he says “see ya around’ he must mean haunting him since he dies right after that. I mean, I suppose he

You’re upset that the headline spoiled the fact that Kylo Ren has a shirtless scene? That’s not exactly a huge plot point that I would think could be considered a spoiler...

“We can nit-pick every decision they made but given the amount of thought that went into this, there is probably a decent reason for it aside from the increases drama significantly....though that probably helped too.”

Since when does Chris Collinsworth do news broadcasts?

“Then it’s a good thing I cited things from A New Hope and Return of the Jedi along with it. Want me to dump on the other two prequels and Empire as well?”

Scotty’s perceived value swings so wildly from one extreme to another. He was a great player, who filled a necessary role on those teams in a way few (if any) other players could have. Sure, he’s not still being discussed if he didn’t play on MJ’s teams, but I’m not so sure you could have just plugged in any number of

I will never understand this style of defense. “These flaws aren’t legit problems because the other movies had flaws too!” I mean, sure. I’m not a Star Wars fanboy that pretends that the other movies were perfect. That’s especially true of the prequels, which everyone agrees had huge issues, so citing to TPM is just

It’s on the grass on the first base side. When the camera cuts back to him after showing the home run you can see him high five the bat boy, and the bat is on the ground next to him.

FWIW, I used to volunteer at the ALS association a while back and Curt Schilling was always quietly donating time and money to the charity. The guy strikes me as a complete asshole, but it also seems like he does some genuinely good charity work.

The fact that they escaped on the falcon at the end makes no sense to me. That only works if literally the whole First Order was on those At-Ats, which means the resistance is like 20 people fighting against a FO that has like 150 people. Where all the star destroyers in the atmosphere? Why couldn’t they just track

Did you really not get the sarcasm in my earlier comment? I thought the whole “we’re talking about people being upset about ONE tree in ONE neighborhood literally THOUSANDS of miles away” thing was pretty obvious, but just in case I included the second sentence to beat everyone over the head with it...

There’s a couple of guys at my gym that wear shirts like that. They always look ridiculous to me (the shirts that is. The guys too, now that I think about it).

I’m not sure what you mean? I completely agree- it definitely fit thematically. I don’t think Yoda was showing off. My comment above was simply saying that Yoda is doing something that we’d never seen before, so you’d think Luke would have had a reaction more akin to his shock at watching Yoda lift his X-Wing out of

I think some of those are pretty consistent with what we’d already been shown. But definitely agree about the blaster bolt in mid-air. Can’t believe I forgot about that one.