
Like I said to someone else, is that really a force power expansion though? They didn’t have the CGI ability to show that stuff in the OT, but those powers weren’t surprising or new. Like you said, Luke’s jump was pretty “super” in Empire, he’s doing backflips and balancing on one hand while training, Vader does a

Hmmm, I suppose. I never really saw that as a force power expansion so much as a CGI ability expansion though. Luke doing handstands and backflips and everything while training already showed all of those abilities, it’s just that Lucas now had the technology to do it all over the place.

Sure, I completely agree. I think it would make sense for there to be some explanation for why things are so different (I mean, the Matrix was able to explain it by pointing out they were in the matrix), but I don’t mind any expansion. But you’d think when Yoda blew up that tree Luke would have looked a little

I’m honestly curious- what new force powers were introduced in the prequels or TFA? Because people keep saying “we’ve always introduced new Force powers” but the examples always stop after RotJ. I honestly can’t think of new force powers introduced in the prequels or TFA, but I could definitely be wrong. Given that

These are terrible examples. He wasn’t saying Kaep wasn’t good ENOUGH to play- he was saying that Kaep also brings negatives that have to be considered. To use your examples, it would be like debating a filthy five dollar bill that will likely give you a minor cold is worth it. Sure, the cold is minor and you’ll


Seriously? You’re enraged about what a few people did to a couple trees thousands of miles away from you? I’m sure if you scour the globe you’ll find equally heinous atrocities going on all the time. You’d have to be outraged 24/7.

I can’t believe you’re making light of this story telling us about what is happening on some tree in some neighborhood on an entirely different continent. Next you’ll be telling me that some people are just looking for any excuse to hate “rich people”, no matter how slight and insignificant the reason.

“The cloak seems to be such that it would not resist an active scan. That is, the First Order ships would not see such tiny transports unless they were actually looking for them, and they looked for them because DJ told them to look.”

One big problem is that Leia says that the FO isn’t scanning for small vessels, so they won’t notice the escape pods. Umm, why not? You know they’re in desperate straits, why wouldn’t you be monitoring for the small vessels? Why aren’t you using the decloaking thingamagig the entire time? Heck, if you’re not going to

I completely agree. The real question is why they didn’t use the other two lightspeed-capable ships to kamikaze the FO before they completely ran out of fuel.

Not to mention that they’re star destroyers. The people on them are soldiers. That’d be like worrying about killing innocents on battleships and aircraft carriers during WWII.

Lol, I don’t want to be flippant, but are you serious? I was just kidding above, but are you actually arguing about what is “much more likely” the behavior of an incorporeal being whose mere presence defies any rational explanation of physics? Do you think that him squatting on thin air is silly because it would tire

I’ll be on the lookout, thanks!

I’d be curious to see those theories. Have you seen them in the comments, or did you read an article discussing it? If so I’d definitely enjoy the read if you can share the link.

A) Calm down man.

“Yeah, Poe’s first plan cost them a lot of materiel, but there’s no way for him, or anybody in the rebel fleet to know that the FO will be able to chase them through hyperspace.”

I’d say my comments have had a pretty consistent tone to them, so it’s odd that you’re telling me that you felt like some of them were the type of “crybaby piss-boy” comments I’m calling out here while at the same time you’re starring and responding (in agreement) to my other comments. But maybe a line or two I wrote

Pretty bizarre to attack a film measurement tool and then cite to Cinemascore, as if it’s free from bias. It polls people who see the movie opening night. For Star Wars, that meant people who were big enough fans to have gotten their tickets weeks (if not a month or more) in advance. For a movie like Star Wars, you’re

I think if you watch the way the ships move when they run out of fuel they’re clearly supposed to be falling backwards, as opposed to slowing down. Having said that, I 100% agree with your second paragraph. Sure, the physics of it is all nonsense- but it’s Star Wars. We definitely do NOT want realistic physics to come