
I don’t understand your point. You’re essentially saying “yes, all these flaws exist and are legit problems. But it’s ridiculous for other people to be bothered by them more than I was. They should give the most weight to all the stuff that I gave the most weight to and therefore love it at least as much as I do!”

But people do talk about those plot holes...? Like, all the time. Not to mention that what you’re referencing comes from RotJ, which most people rightly point to as the movie that began the franchises decline.

“Now that it’s been established we can complain if it ever changes.”

Citing to RotJ seems a bit odd in this context given that most people view that movie as the beginning of the decline of the franchise. Yes, the opening sequence is drawn out and unnecessary. But people have been pointing that out for decades- along with all the other ridiculous problems with that movie. It’s not like

Right. Or have Finn and Rose reach out to allies when they’re off the cruiser and have them send a whole bunch of small ships so that everyone else can escape exactly the same way Finn and Rose did. People are popping in and out of that chase sequence, but we’re supposed to believe that NOBODY thought to just evacuate

There is a difference between discussing aspects of a film that you don’t like and calling people that have a different opinion than you “crybaby piss-boys”. If he wants to say why I’m wrong about any of my opinions on the movie then he’s perfectly welcome to do that- I wasn’t saying he was whining and crying about

I have no real issue with them finding someone else, but the whole thread just seems so lazy to me. Like, they knew they needed a cantina scene, so they threw in this convoluted plot to get them to one. Then the writers decided that it would be too easy if they just found and picked up the master code breaker when

He’s not running counter-espionage for the FO. He tells them the only reason he cut a deal with the FO was because they got caught. My initial thought was that he was working for the FO as well, but that line was meant to show that he wasn’t. Plus, that whole plot thread would be even dumber than it already is if he

Going out of bounds doesn’t stop the clock until the last 5:00 minutes of the second half. The refs correctly managed the clock there.

“an impression that Holdo inexplicably seems hell-bent on reenforcing every time they’re in the same room ...”

I think that’s definitely what they were going for, and I don’t have any issues with that. But the problem is that the other star destroyers just sit there watching it all happen. None of them engage or do anything- they don’t launch their own TIE fighters, or close on the cruisers, or assist in any fashion. They

What are you even talking about here? This is just a shocking lack of self awareness. First you attack a strawman version of my argument, making a bunch of wild accusations about what I’m saying, and then when I point out no, that’s not what I actually said, and highlight how you’re actually engaging in the same

There’s space between “do nothing” and “make three full poorly written movies to flesh out every unexplained detail.” You can literally provide backstory subtly, with a line here, and a sentence there. It’s how good writers flesh out characters and give them depth to the plot and characters.

Ay yi yi. Moving the goalposts? You literally said “whenever” this character is presented this happens. I pointed out that’s false, and provided a few examples simply off the top of my head for how absurd it is to even claim this isn’t common, and now you’re saying “predominantly”. Yes, what you describe happens. TV

Just off the top of my head, Ray Winstone’s character in Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull and Kevin O’Connor in the Mummy are both characters of disreputable reputation that end up selling out characters despite seemingly joining them at times. Hell, Loki has been doing stuff like this in Thor movies for a decade

“And I agree master codebreakers shouldn’t grow on Canto Bight trees, though it seems far-fetched to think that only one person galaxywide has those skills.”

Yeah, they edited it with some standard “hero fight sequence” stuff going on. When it’s the two of them against like 8 of the guards they’re battling them off and doing great. Then they separate, and we get separate shots where both Rey and Ren are struggling to defeat the guard they’re up against (I think Ren has two

I don’t know- that feels like a stretch to me. I think it’s just the writers not being able to imagine more creative directions to go in. Kylo is engaging in exactly the dynamic we’ve seen play out multiple times before (Palpatine-Anakin, Vader-Luke), and Rey isn’t trying to upend anything. She wants to be a jedi, and

I think that’s a debatable interpretation (she doesn’t say “there is only one man I would trust who could do it”- she says one man who she trusts can do the job, which seems far more likely to actually mean that she believes has the skills to do it) but it is still hilariously silly how they make it out to be this

That’s not trope breaking- the whole “the heroes are in trouble. No they’re not! Oh wait, yes they are! They’re doomed! Oh, no they’re not!!” thing is about as standard an adventure story tale as you can possibly get. DJ isn’t a new or interesting type of character. There have been hundreds of characters that are just