
I thought that too at first, but he definitely is not. He even says “we got caught, I cut a deal.” Then Finn has the whole “you’re wrong about thinking both sides are the same” and Del Toro says “maybe” and walks away.

But he actually DOES break the code. He gets them into the room, completely fulfilling his part of the mission. It’s only after they’re captured that he sells them out by telling the FO about the plan to use the escape pods to flee the cruiser. He literally does the thing that Maz says that only one person in the

I disagree with the notion that it requires much work to establish more of a backstory. I said it somewhere else on here, but you can have a few quick lines of dialogue that provide the audience some context. When Snoke is talking to Kylo at the beginning have him say a few lines about why he was biding his time,

That sure would’ve made a lot more sense. “There’s only one person in the galaxy besides me who can crack that code! Go to the casino and pray you can recruit him to your cause! What’s that? You couldn’t get him? Eh, just look around your jail cell. I’m sure whoever is in there will be able to do the job just fine.”

“It shatters the expectations of what a Star Wars movie can be and it does so in ways that not only improve The Force Awakens, but also set a tone and high bar for the franchise as whole.”

I saw it twice over the weekend, and on the second viewing I specifically watched to see how well she handled herself in that scene. She’s kicking ass like a seasoned pro. It looked cool and all, and I don’t mind just going with it at this point, but it’s pretty absurd how easily all this comes to her. I mean, if I

“ To say that a facist regime with nothing but world domination on their minds can rebuild a fraction of their power in 20 years, is not too hard to believe.”

Is that like a gun that is Alexa enabled, but only if you yell really loudly at it? ;)

Yup. Movie starts with the rebels/resistance desperately fleeing a base before the Empire/FO. Sure, TLJ moved the ice planet/salt planet AT-AT march battle to the end of the movie as opposed to the beginning, but it’s still a rip off. Young force user tries to get cranky exiled Master to train him/her.

A) 30 years? I didn’t think Luke was 30 years old at the start of ANH. He looked more like 18.

Lol, I’m proposing that Force Ghosts being able to call lightning out of the sky is a new expansion on what FGs can actually do. The discussion about sitting on a log was a joke. But, I suppose since you’re taking it seriously...think about the way ghosts are always portrayed in movies and other media. For example, in

Go back and watch it again. There are only about 7 bombers so if there were actually that many TIE fighters then it would be even more ridiculous that the bombing run worked- the only TIE fighters come from the dreadnought. The star destroyers don’t do anything, and they don’t launch any TIE fighters. And if there

I mean, I agree. The fact TFA retread so much familiar ground was incredibly frustrating to me. I’d love to see them actually move away from telling the same types of stories over and over again.

I mean, sure, it is fine that Snoke exists. But the fact that he’s created and leads the First Order in the time between RotJ and this movie is a huge question mark, especially since Luke just went into hiding a little while ago. So in just the few years before TFA somehow Snoke creates this monstrous Empire analogue

I also don’t get why Poe was able to disobey orders and lead the attack in the first place. Leia is there, basically on the battlefield. Why are all the bombers listening to Poe say “charge!” instead of Leia ordering them to stand down? Why is she ONLY talking to Poe? If one pilot disobeyed orders during a WWII

Exactly. No wonder Palpatine was so powerful in the OT. Apparently the light and the dark have to be perfectly paired in their champions strengths, and since the Jedi had THOUSANDS of force users to disperse their powers to, the dark side’s 2 champions would need to be as strong as all of them put together.

Lol, “I’m not going to take a fantastical movie so seriously as to need to justify what happens in it. Now here’s my justification for what happened in it.”

Do your teachers let you use the internet in class, or are you posting during recess?

Eh, but is it different? “Let’s the two of us join together and conquer the galaxy.” He even says he wants to bring “order” to the galaxy through their tagteam. That’s pretty much EXACTLY what Vader is saying to Luke in the OT, Palpatine says to Anakin in the prequels, etc. Sure, they change the name and say it won’t

Lol, the only person whining and crying about stuff on here that I see is you. I’m impressed at how angry you are that people didn’t love a movie as much as you did.