
You think positioning your body in a way that is relative to the actual surroundings is actually interacting with it? Do you also think that the people taking pictures at the Leaning Tower of Pisa are literally holding the building up?

That’s like being the world’s tallest dwarf. Hux didn’t engage the star destroyers in the battle at the beginning, allowing the dreadnought to be destroyed. He doesn’t send out a swarm of TIE fighters to take out the cruiser, resulting in Snoke’s ship being split in two. He’s incapable of blasting the 13 speeders that

Ugh, no. Just no. He even says “what’s the point of all this if we can’t take out one cruiser?” When has anyone in the first order or the empire ever said to themselves “no, I don’t want to risk a small number of pilots lives to completely eliminate our enemies?” Hell, that’s not even an “evil” consideration- it’s

This comment deserves all the stars.

“As such, seems like both the First Order and Resistance are wholly inconsequential on a large scale now.”

Also, why the heck are the star destroyers just sitting there while the dreadnought gets blown up? They’re literally RIGHT THERE, and none of them swoop in to help, or send out their TIE Fighters to take out the bombers. They literally just watch the whole thing go down. Honestly, this movie established that star

If you don’t want people to disagree with you or have different opinions than you then you really should stay off the internet. As well as away from any crowds. Or really people in general. Otherwise, I’m sorry to say, you’re going to have to deal with some people doing things differently than you might want them to.

“He’d have done the mutiny earlier if she’d told him.” Completely untrue. They literally show his reaction on learning the details of the plan. He thinks it’s a good plan. And it’s not like he acted alone- his mutiny was joined by numerous other characters. If you watch the Holdo scenes, Rian frequently cuts to the

The difference is that when Palpatine was introduced we literally knew NOTHING about the backstory of the galaxy far far away. Lucas was just creating an entire galaxy that we were being plopped into the middle of, so we had to accept that certain things are unknown. But by TFA we DID know the backstory that led up to

Not only is he not dead, but this movie showed us that all of the sudden force ghosts can interact with the physical environment as if they were physically present. So sure, why not be one with the force? Who needs to project themselves across the galaxy as a hologram (and use up a ton of energy to do so) when you can

“If Rey hadn’t made arrived just in time they’d have been stuck there ready to be executed.”

A) My point was that it was shocking that they panicked in that circumstance, so the fact that they weren’t expecting to run a play is one of the big issues. B) It was third down. You only have one more play to go for the end zone before needing to kick the FG anyways. 13 seconds. So even if it takes 4 seconds to call

I’m a little shocked that someone would think the “hey, how about if 9 guys on offense have no idea what’s going on” play would work better than running an actual play the team has practiced, where everyone knows what they’re doing and what their roles are. But hey, to each their own.

And the execution in general. There were 13 seconds left on the clock when they got lined up, ready to go. Take 3-4 seconds to let everyone know the play, and then run a play that takes up to 6 seconds, and you’ve still got time on the clock to kick the field goal. Sure, with a rookie QB it may be unreasonable to

The fact they panicked is mind boggling to me. They’re lined up and ready to go with 13 seconds on the clock! Have a play ready, don’t fake the spike, just run a regular play and throw it out of bounds is nothing is there. They had a ton of time left to get off one more legit shot at the end zone.

I don’t get why this was even debated by the Steelers. It was third down, there was 13 seconds when he got to the line, so you’ve got a TON of time to get off another play. If you just spike the ball then you bring out the field goal team to tie it. Are you telling me that Roethlisberger thought that he should’ve

Agreed. Given the actual timeline and scope of events, this should have been a 100-120 minute movie. The whole thing takes place over about 2-3 days. They added so much extraneous stuff to make that timeline of events feel “EPIC!”, but it really wasn’t. All the Poe stuff on the ship was ludicrous, all of Finn’s stuff

I get that deadspin and the comments sections here are rabidly anti-NFL, but this “controversy” is utterly bizarre to me. He’s falling down literally the entire time, and the balls comes out when he fully lands. I hate both teams, but I cannot imagine a rule that would say a player has completed a pass midway through

Oh yeah, I mean, I think there’s definitely a reason to be concerned about that, but ONLY because JJ is coming back for 9. If Rian was doing 9 then (in my mind) this reveal definitely sticks. Who knows what JJ is going to do though? He’s probably so pissed that Rian already used some of the scenes from RotJ so he will

Gotcha. Definitely sounds like they got a little carried away. I’ve watched the replay a ton of times now to try and figure out what was controversial about it, and I just don’t see it. When I first saw the play I immediately said “oh, the ball came loose, that’s not a catch.” I can’t think of a reasonable rule that